Dec 5th N. C. FL (Bushnell) Swap/Sale/Yard Sale

She posted on one of the shows i think it was inverness hold on i'll find her.
I meant JG's BG's stood for Black Giants.
They have to go with the white leghorn though

If thats alright, i'll sell them
3 chickens...are you coming????


do you have any bcm babies??? i'll even settle for eggs at this point. those 3 bcm/ee mix blacks that i got from you are gorgeous!!!!! i got 1 roo to 2 hens, so i'm excited about them. if you have any more of those mix, i'm interested in them as well. wish i had a camera. they are black with gold speckling thruout their feathers. absolutely beautiful.

they went out last night for the first time, so all 17 of the babies are huddled in a corner of the igloo looking at me like i'm out of my mind. lol.

showed bf. we have a cage that my show birds are in that we can put them in. if you really decide to get rid of them, i'm very interested as it's a breed i want. i got 9 eggs from wynette, and only 1 hatched. i was so bummed.

and i'll take the long as she's not as stupid and skittish as my 4 that i just gave away (literally) cause i couldn't stand them. i understand about things going together, my ducks are called duckins, cause they live with the chickens. we keep telling them they're ducks, but they're not listening.
I have a BCM chick and Cuckoo OR Golden Cuckoo (not sure which color yet?) chick that i could sell. Make me an offer if intrested. They are 2 or 3 weeks old. They came from 4kidz eggs.
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Haha no she's really sweet and will come up to me. The JG's fly more than she does lol. When she was a chick she almost died so i got her better and once in awhile she will turn her head all the way upside down, it looks weird but it doesnt effect her and its kind of funny.
ok, i'll make the dog kennel they're gonna go in racoon proof, and get a box built for them until the shed is finished. if you change your mind, i will totally understand. now all i have to do is find a roo. usually, all you can find are roos, but with this breed, you're lucky you can find anything at all.

thinking about the bcm. are you sure it's pure bcm? i thought shannon had her marans all going together. could be wrong though
O ummmm i'm actually not sure. On the egg it was written BCM so i always thought it was lol. I will email her and ask. Contact Sugar Sand Farm and she has a Blue Giant rooster that was gonna be mine but i changed my mind cause of the feed cost and i have no job. I will make sure to ask Shannon (4Kidz)
I'll also probably be bringing
- A Button Quail Chick thats 3-4 weeks old.
- A young trio of EE's from FowlVisions Eggs. Nice! Prbly 2 or 3 months

I think thats it, I dont have much to sell.

I'm really wanting Buton Quail or SQ Silkies

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