Dec 5th N. C. FL (Bushnell) Swap/Sale/Yard Sale

Everyone has been throwing alot of animals and items out there and others have been claiming some, so it's hard to keep track! I thought I'd throw my two cents out there...

I am hoping to find very young (day old - 2 weeks) female chicks for pets/egg production chickens. Ameraucana/EEs preferred, but open to other options. My neighborhood would NOT be rooster friendly, so I must be careful about chick selection.

Looking forward to meeting everyone this weekend!
If you want them that young you're not going to be able to choose pullets yet. If you want them a little older then you might be able to tell.
Oh no, really?
Since hatcheries sex them at birth (90% accurate, anyway), I was hoping I could find such here. There are two reasons I was thinking the younger, the better: for one, my hen house won't be finished until just after xmas, so the chicks would be indoors with us for the next few weeks. Also, since they will be primarily pets, I wanted to make sure they get as much handling as possible from the youngest age.

Is there anyone attending who can sex chicks that young?
If not, I will try to be content with window-shopping and info-gathering this weekend

One last question, primarily out of curiosity... What does someone do when they live in a city that forbids roosters, if they receive "female" chicks that are incorrectly sexed, or if they gamble with straight run chicks? What options are there? I'm not a gambler, but I was just curious...


cmom, I, too, live in the Tyrone area! Aprx central and 58th. I love living in St Pete. It's like a laid back area, but with all the amenities of a big city. I do dream of a 3 acre hobby farm in mid Florida somewhere though. Maybe one day...
well, if you receive a rooster, you can hope your neighbors are deaf
or sell them at the next swap you attend.

you would be suprised how friendly some of the chicks at the swap are, as most of us handle our chicks daily. i have 30 living in my closet and they each get picked up and loved on...and i've also gotten older chicks that are how outside that will jump on my hand or shoulder and love to be pet...and they are about 3 months old now. chicks respond very well to treats i've found. even my outside chickens that run the yard will come to me for treats and once i pick them up, they dont even try to get back down.

i think i have some chicks that are about 3-4 weeks old that are probably females and a few a little of them is a barred rock.

ok, my list...

still under heat:
1 barred rock cochin
2 black cochins
1 white silkie
1 astralorp
3 ee's from pink eggs

outside, not fully feathered:
2 barred rock
6 wellsummers
2 ee's from fowlvisions green eggs

outside and just have to go:
1 silkie rooster (he is an uggggly rooster... anyone want dinner?)
1 blue barred rock

i think that's it.
I lived there for 40 years. I moved there when I was young. Your dreams will come true. We had the same dreams when we were younger.

There is no way to really sex chicks that are over a day old (vent sexing). You can get breeds where the males are of one color and the females another color and some breeds can be sexed by how their wing feathers grow.

You might find these interesting.
Haha i have no clue if they are females or males. They are still extremly young probably anywhere from 3 to 5 weeks old. I cant tell. They are Bev Davis X Ron Presley and have the dark egg gene.
ok, i haven't been able to check the sumter times, but this is the ad that ran on page 4 this week of the sumter shopper...which gets put into every mailbox in sumter county....

Chicken Swap Meet is having their monthly "chicken" swap/sale off of 476 in Bushnell behind Bushnell Truss on Dec 5th, starting at 10am. We are an online "community" of chicken lovers. (All animals are welcome at the swap, but we mainly do ducks/chicks/chickens.) All are welcome to attend with or without animals. A few of our members will be setting up a yard sale, so there will be lots of treasures "without legs". is the chicken lovers best kept secret. We have thousands of members. There are forums, lots of questions and answers, and lots of fun. There is always poultry for sale on the site, as well as hatching eggs.
There will also be a food drive to help a needy family and we will be collecting cans for Good Sams Dogs for the Deaf drive.

I have also put up flyers, thanks to ladybug(annika) making them for me.

all i have yet to do is find the money for posters so you all know where you're going.

see you all soon...

also, mom has 5 female goats for sale. 2 have given birth already, the other 3 are yearlings.
I have been watching the Weather Channel and they are saying it will be cool out (64 degrees) and we might get some rain on Saturday. What do they know...
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well, i'll keep my fingers crossed lol. i guess 64 isn't too bad...but they said it was gonna rain this morning, and i have yet to see a drop... so i'm hoping they're wrong about saturday too. lol

i guess if you wake up saturday and it's raining, we can set a rain date for the next saturday...but hopefully it just wont rain.

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