December 2022 hatch-a-long


gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
I am starting this hatch-a-long, because I just ordered eggs, but they will not be sent till next week, or the following week, I am guessing, and so my next hatch date will be Dec. That is fine with me. I am a bit early, but seeing the waiting lists for chicks in the spring, and the ones I really wanted were sold. (Predators taking some of my flock as well, but I am curing that.) I sat myself down and thought about what birds I needed or would want for the next season. And I decided more Marans, and some Isbars. I will get those and some potluck eggs. When I receive the eggs I will post a pic. Below is a pic of my last order from the same farm.

They are only one state over from my house, and I most likely will get the eggs the next day after she sends the eggs.

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