December egg swap~~Sign-ups closed~~Ship date before 12-24

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If you have different types of LF, or different types of bantams, then it doesn't matter, since we're not supposed to request specific breeds. But if it's something like you have LF and/or bantams, or whatever, then yes, you can let me know
I'm sitting this one out as I'm going to NY from the 19th to the 26th. But I'll be back in in January.

Also the thought of eggs being shipped along with Christmas presents just doesn't set right. I know what some of my boxes look like that I've been getting through the PO lately. I can't imagine eggs.

Although I did have someone send me Call duck eggs through UPS 2 weeks ago. And they're developing nicely!

So I'll be back in January!

wish i coulda played this time around... but my girls are in revolt right now... i haven't seen a green egg in 3 days.. maybe 4... and my browns are spotty too... my leghorn is still plugging away though... lol. i'm glad i didn't sign up this month... but good luck to those who are setting soon.. i'll still stay and cheerlead...

!!!!!!go chickie go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent out my egg this morning. Got behind....

Am I allowed to ask this...
.....Who got me...I was going to buy some quail eggs but was waiting to see if I get any first. I do not want to many of them.

I got my eggs today and my swapper was so sweet to send 14 yes 14 eggs. I have them resting now to go in the bator in the morning.

Hoping we all have a great hatch!! Good luck all!
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