December Hatch-A-Long 2014

You need to add more water to the incubator if the humidity is dropping. I'm confused about why the humidity only drops at night. I have a Hovabator and my humidity held steady day and night. The eggs need oxygen as well as humidity, so it is recommended that the vent plugs be left out. You can add wet papertowels to the incubator to bring the humidity up.
You need to add more water to the incubator if the humidity is dropping.  I'm confused about why the humidity only drops at night.  I have a Hovabator and my humidity held steady day and night.  The eggs need oxygen as well as humidity, so it is recommended that the vent plugs be left out.  You can add wet papertowels to the incubator to bring the humidity up.  
I have to add water ever time I turn the eggs for the humidity to stay between 40 and 50. Which is probably why it drops at night since I'm not up to add water. I live in AZ so I figured I'd have issues keeping the humidity up considering it's so dry here. I have both the vents plugged because that's what the directions on the Hovabator said to do when I set it all up. Should I have them open now? I assume id have to work on the humidity some more if I open them now. :/
I was having humidity problems too, Couldnt't get it above 30. I added sponges in addition to my water bowls. I just cut them in half and stuck them all around the sides. once a day I take them out and wet them with warm water and put them back in. I also keep a spray bottle with water in it near by so I can spray down the sponges when I turn eggs. In my large woodern incubator I just spray down the wood and I also keep a wet washclothe in it. The washclothes seems to hold water better than papertowels. I have a feeling I wont be able to leave it closed all through lockdown cause I know my humidity will drop after the first day or so
The instructions say to leave the plugs in, but I have read multiple sources saying it is better to leave them out. I took mine out to increase air flow (my incubator has a fan). I also sprayed the sides of the incubator with water during the hatch if I had to open the top for some reason. The humidity stayed between 60 and 70% and there were no shrink wrapped chicks.

One problem I found with the Hovabator is there are actually vent holes in the bottom of the incubator. The water was running out the holes when I sprayed my towels. The table under the incubator was all wet, so be careful.

I weighed my eggs instead of relying on humidity. They should lose approximately 5% of their original weight for each of the first two weeks. You can adjust the humidity after the first week if the eggs have not lost the correct amount. For my 62 gram eggs, they lost 2 - 3 grams in the first week, and by day 14 they had lost 6 grams. If they had not lost enough, I would lower the humidity and do a "dry incubation". If they lost too much, I would add more water and increase the humidity. As a result, my humidity did vary from day to day - anywhere from 25 to 50%. It didn't affect my hatch rate at all. Every egg that made it past day 8 hatched.
Ooo please may l join then, I've got 4 mixed eggs and 5 rir eggs, brought off of ebay, in the incubator I put the mixes in at 10:00pm on friday and then the rirs went in at 9:00 on saturday morning. Exciting stuff!
So it will be a bit of a staggered hatch any tips :) and will it make much difference on lockdown and hatch day?
Welcome! a 12 hour difference should not make a difference. I would use the timing from the first set for lockdown (better to raise the humidity a little early for the later set then risk shrink-wrapping a early pip).

Joining the December Hatch A Long! Our incubator is set with 8 silkies, 6 serama, and 6 japanese bantam eggs. Hatch day should be December 17th. Haven't officially candled yet - still early, but a quick peek showed veining in several eggs. This is just our second attempt at incubation, the first was unsuccessful with duck eggs. This time so far, so good! Good luck to all the December chicks!
Ok so I was just reading up on my vent and humidity issue. Apparently the 5 holes on the top of the bator are intentional and I should have them open to have air flow... I read conflicting opinions on whether to keep the vent plugs in but I think I'm gonna stick with them in and just open up the 5 holes. I think if I take the vent plugs out now I'm really gonna have a hard time keeping humidity up and they are growing nicely so I feel like I'm doing good with them in. I will be so glad when they hatch, this is stressful! I have 10 baby chicks life's in my hands right now! That's a lot of pressure and to add 6 kiddos waiting for baby chicks! :/
I am having the worst humidity issues too... Seems like I am adding every few hours. But, it is winter here....forced air running all the time with the winter. I am going to have to look into the lid idea filled with water.

@ Renee... Hang in there! I am so much more relaxed this round...thank God!
bummer about the 4 clears but glad the others are doing well. Can't help you on the turkey egg, I have no idea. Also I'm not positive but I think people that do staggered hatches have a second incubator to put the ones in that are in lockdown. I'm not quite sure how you would do it otherwise because the newer ones will still need to be turned.

Hmm okay. Thank you!

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