December Hatch-A-Long 2014

first hatch. Trial run. I know not to expect much
OK, it sounds like the box is way to big for the amount of eggs, but I am guessing. You mentioned the heat was to low so I am thinking the "heater" is not big enough to keep the heat up---again guessing. I wish you luck. I built my cabinet incubator and cabinet hatcher---most of what I used to build them---I had laying around. They work good.
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Hi all!! I'm joining in! I set 124 of RIR, B.Rocks, leghorns, and EE's, all due Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Best Christmas ever! I've got 2 bators without fans so I'm a little concerned about them, I've always had forced air. I'd love tips on how to increase my hatch rate out of those. Good luck everyone!
Did you get 124 eggs in these 2 incubators? What kind of incubators--name--etc? Are you using egg turners? How old is the oldest eggs you put in the incubators? Give us this info and we will try to help you with your question.
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Just candled mine on day 5 and all are growing, think Thats pretty good for shipped eggs I just hope that at least 1 hatches
I'm sooo happy I started doubting myself but so far I can't have done anything wrong, I'm so so happy

It's always so comforting to see development! Good luck!
Hi all, got my first hatching eggs in the mail today. I will be setting barnyard mixes tomorrow. I have never hatched shipped eggs before, so is there anything special I need to be doing besides letting them sit for 24 hours pointy end down. I will have a staggered hatch with more eggs expected tomorrow and Friday. Any pointers will be helpful, I have 2 bators, both with turners, but only 1 has a fan. 1 shipment coming yet has some silkies included, is there anything special I need to do with them? Thank in advance for any helpful advise you can give me.
Did you get 124 eggs in these 2 incubators? What kind of incubators--name--etc? Are you using egg turners? How old is the oldest eggs you put in the incubators? Give us this info and we will try to help you with your question.

No sorry!:confused: I've got 3 Little Giants & one from FarmInnovators, I don't know what it's called. Two of the Little Giants don't have fans and were gifts from the folks I'm hatching them for. I'm ordering a fan for 1 tomorrow so I'll have that installed in 2-3 days but I may not get the last one for another week and a couple days. I set eggs from 11.25, 11.26, 11.29, 11.30 each date in a separate unit. I put 11.25 & 11.26 in the 2 w/o fans and each date is a mix of breeds. Thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate it!
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OK, it sounds like the box is way to big for the amount of eggs, but I am guessing. You mentioned the heat was to low so I am thinking the "heater" is not big enough to keep the heat up---again guessing. I wish you luck. I built my cabinet incubator and cabinet hatcher---most of what I used to build them---I had laying around. They work good.
the heat was fine for all of days 1-18. I think what it was was when I added the water to bring the humidity up it was having trouble heating that extra water. I added some hot water to the pans and the temp came up and has stayed up all day so that problem is solved. Still can't get humidity up past 50 so this is just gonna have to work and I will keep an eye out for babies. I have been spraying water through the vent holes periodically.
Just candled mine on day 5 and all are growing, think Thats pretty good for shipped eggs I just hope that at least 1 hatches :) I'm sooo happy I started doubting myself but so far I can't have done anything wrong, I'm so so happy :)
that's great news. It's so easy to feel like you are doing something wrong. Sounds like you are doing great though.
I guess I'll join in!

I just set 42 barnyard mix eggs in my Farm Innovators Incubator. Hatch date is Christmas. This is my first hatch and probably my last for a year or two, so fingers crossed!
Okay...yesterday I set 33 Barnyard Mix eggs as a "test batch" for my new bator!!! Anyway today is day 1 and I cant wait already for them to hatch ....that is if they hatch....

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