December Hatch-A-Long 2014

I'm no expert as this is my first time hatching eggs but I think most people wait until 24 hours after the chick has pipped to step in and help if the chick hasn't made much progress.

thats kind of what i was thinking but during my first hatch (this is my second) i lost two while they were trying to hatch and it was less than 24 hours since they started to "pip" so i can't help but think if id just get them out sooner maybe they would be fine. but you can't if you are not opening it until they all hatch and dry.
thats kind of what i was thinking but during my first hatch (this is my second) i lost two while they were trying to hatch and it was less than 24 hours since they started to "pip" so i can't help but think if id just get them out sooner maybe they would be fine. but you can't if you are not opening it until they all hatch and dry. 
I am sure it's very sad to lose them especially when they are so close but I think PD Riverman has a great point in that he only helps chicks after day 22 or after all other chicks have hatched whichever comes first. It would be great to help those that need help but if you are risking all the others to help just 1 then it may not be worth it. But you have to make the call yourself whether or not helping at a certain time would be the best option.
Like Renee said, I wait 24 hours after a pip to go in and help.  There are some signs that make the case more urgent, such as pipping on the wrong end of the egg.  On  my last hatch I had a disproportionate number of chicks that pipped in the middle of the egg or the narrow end.  Some of them got out OK, but about 4 of them I helped by opening a small hole in the shell so they could at least breath until the got out.  Two needed extra help on top of that as they were malpositioned and could not get out of the shell.  It is important to note that intervening too soon should be avoided since the chick needs to absorb the yolk before leaving the egg.  

One thing that annoys me about my incubator is that the chicks that hatch early run around and knock into the eggs that have not hatched.  This sends the eggs rolling around and and I don't think it does any favors to the chicks that are trying to hatch.  I removed hatched chicks every 6 hours or so.  When I did it, I sprayed the sides of the incubator with warm water from a squirt bottle.  I never had problems with the humidity going too low.

All 20 of the eggs that made it to lockdown hatched by day 22.  :)

For that reason I have been going back and forth whether or not to let them hatch on their sides like I've been incubating them or to put them in an egg carton. I've heard that other chicks move the eggs around too much and that can be problematic for some trying to get out as they can become disoriented but I've also heard if you hatch them in egg cartons and some pip at the wrong end it would be hard for them to get out as well. So I'm still deciding. I have my egg carton all cut and ready to go but I wonder if there are any other options so the eggs don't get knocked around too much by chicks that have hatched.
Today is hatch day for incubator one. Still no pips or wiggling eggs or anything :(
is that the incubator that won't hold a high humidity? Maybe they will just be late, fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted.
is that the incubator that won't hold a high humidity? Maybe they will just be late, fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted.
yes it is. A friend who hatches a lot recommended I candle a couple to check for internal pips. I candled 3. no internal pips or movement. By the way since I know some will fuss about me opening the incubator lol my temp and humidity do not drop when I open it cause the room is so warm and humid
It looks like the incubator is at a steady 100 degrees. I'm trying not to open the incubator until day 5, unless I have to adjust a thermometer. And day two doesn't start until 10 pm mountain time. It feels like I set the eggs five years ago.
yes it is. A friend who hatches a lot recommended I candle a couple to check for internal pips. I candled 3. no internal pips or movement. By the way since I know some will fuss about me opening the incubator lol my temp and humidity do not drop when I open it cause the room is so warm and humid
bummer. Well fingers crossed still. I hope you get some. When is you next hatch date?
It looks like the incubator is at a steady 100 degrees. I'm trying not to open the incubator until day 5, unless I have to adjust a thermometer. And day two doesn't start until 10 pm mountain time. It feels like I set the eggs five years ago.
good luck keeping your hands off of it. Unfortunately I have to hand turn mine so I have to open it 3 times a day which means I have to add hot water but luckily my temp goes right back up to 100 in about 30 mins and my humidity gets up to like 53 then starts dropping back down into the 40's shortly after. But it's so tempting to put a flashlight up to the eggs every time I have my hands on them. I've been good about waiting this week though, will candle tomorrow evening on day 14# :)
I got my incubator used with a turner. I'm thankful for that or I would be all over it.

I was worried about my brothers messing with it. But no, I should probably worry about myself more then about them.

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