December hatch-along?

I just tried to introduce the two babies, but it didn’t go so well. The yellow one is 2-3days oldish, and the other one hatched yesterday evening. The great one is nice and fluffy now (except it’s back) so I put them together on my living room floor. The yellow one pecked the other ones beak, but it wasn’t terrible. As soon as I put them in the brooder tho, the yellow one grabbed the grey on and tried to throw it around. Now it has a little blood on its beak :(
I didn't read the whole thread. But I am surprised that many people here hatch chicks in autumn and winter. This is not the best time for a good start. Depending on the climate of course.

To grow up healthy it is best if chicks can go outside in the sun.
When the chicks hatch in January, it is still too cold to go outside a few weeks later (where I live).

IMO: end of winter, spring and early summer is the best time to hatch. And more easy to be successful if you don’t have much experience.
It's 56 here today, 60 yesterday. We've had one 29 degree night so far this fall, but we had well over a week's warning for that, we'll only have a handful of freezes during winter here, and other nights have been 43 or higher. The brooder plate has done fine for the littles at all those temps. It's sheltered so the plate stays dry, but the chicks' enclosure is outside and gets indirect sun from three sides. We've hatched and raised fall chicks successfully three years running, although not in December before...but that's when the eggs were available this time around, so we're trying it. We DO keep them inside the first week, mainly so we'll handle them more and socialize them.
The egg man gave me 17 eggs. My incubator holds only 12. I do have another funky little bator, but it’s a manual turn type. Should I set them in there and hope for the best?
Green eggs are Cream Legbar.
Brown are various Marans
Pinkish are Barnelever
The white ones on top are Legios(sp) Fighter.

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