Decorations? yep..DH is gonna have me committed!!

Iam with u..I love all three of those sign

And, your dh is going to loose it, heck they all do sometime or another..they have to deal with us..hhehe

Love that middle sign, ...

I like my wind vane
Gee, thanks for turning me on to yet another site that will encourage me to spend
You're right, though, they do have good prices!
I missed your address. Is this weekend good? How big a U-Haul will I need.

I love old stuff and can't help myself. My parents found my great-grandmother's glass chicken water base and gave it to me for Christmas.
I have a few of the "old" tin signs too, but inside my coop (have a really cute rooster clock inside the coop too...that way our roo knows what time to start crowing
). Love the wind vane 7L!! I'm always looking for cute chicken decorations for my coop - find good deals on ebay too
I really like your signs! I'm decorating my coop a little bit, too, but not rustic - I'm in S. Florida, so the coop is Lime green and white, (like in the keys) and the pink flamingoes are outside! I'll probably make some wooden birds on sticks, too. I painted a sign on the front , "Coop deVille".
See I think thats "quaint" but dh would KILL me..we do live on the very edge of town w/a few neighbors..we arent country...but we do have fields across from us and a smaller one next to us.. lol...
I showed DH my signs that came in today..and he said "I hate that barn" and walked outta the room..notice he didnt say he didnt WANT me to do that..just that "HE HATES THAT BARN"..well ours
will NOT be a barn..its a chicken coop..

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