Decorations? yep..DH is gonna have me committed!!

Those are cute. If you get commited I'll keep you company. I have curtains in mine and framed picture of my chicken in there.

Okay stop sharing, your gonna get me shopping too..wink wink
And then my dh is going to kicky my booty too


Love the signs
See I think thats "quaint" but dh would KILL me..we do live on the very edge of town w/a few neighbors..we arent country...but we do have fields across from us and a smaller one next to us.. lol...
I showed DH my signs that came in today..and he said "I hate that barn" and walked outta the room..notice he didnt say he didnt WANT me to do that..just that "HE HATES THAT BARN"..well ours
will NOT be a barn..its a chicken coop..

Well, I'm 110% with you. You have my support and good wishes on your project. Go for it and decorate to your heart's desire. You will be so happy when you have completed your project. Keep buying those tin signs girl.
Keep us posted.
I like these signs too; but I did NOT get them (yet)..uhem..gotta give the $$ a rest..too many not so good things happening around here...

this one is quite pricey and I prob wont ever get it:




I like this one too; but I dont wanna be known as granny; I'm in my 30's lol

Momagain1, I saw the sign in the middle with the blue and just loved it. I've searched some of the web sites that I thought I saw it advertised on and I cannot find it. Should have purchased it when I first saw it! Can you tell me where you got yours please? Thanks
Here's a pic of my tin sign on the inside of the door to the coop. Then I painted a stencil on the top door too, maybe I should be committed w/ the rest of ya'll?

I also painted their ceiling blue & put some clouds


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