Deep bedding

I use the deep litter method and love it! I use peat moss, mulched dry leaf clippings (pick them up for free in the fall, I get enough to use through the whole year) and if we get a lot of rain, I throw in some of the pine horse bedding pellets to absorb the moisture (I do have a covered pen, but the side are somewhat open. I turn it all over 1-2 a week and it's perfect. It turns into a beautiful compost in about a year or less and I just shovel the access to places like my rhubarb plants, to fill in duck-made holes, topsoil for the garden etc.
We have large coop 12'X12' with tall roof and good ventilation. It has huge screened windows that we leave wide open in the summer and close most of the way in the winter. It has a dirt floor in a well drained part of the pasture. There is a 2' wide stip of chicken wire burried 8" down and 16" horizontally inside the coop along all four walls, to keep critters from digging under from the outside. We put a thick layer of wood chips about a foot deep to start, add more wood chips a couple of times a year. The chickens stir it about. It hasn't been emptied out in two years. It doesn't stink as long as it stays the right moisture. You need some moisture for the chips and manure to compost properly, but too wet and it gets anaerobic and stinks. Adventually we will remove it for the compost pile.
I have the deep liter system using the HEMP product. 6 months so far and no smell at all. This will last over a year before i clean it. It decomposes right away and begins breaking down the smell as soon as it drops. LOL. If you are not using the Hemp product for your deep litter system then you are waisting your money and spend way too much time tending to it. FYI - I have 20 chickens in a 6' x 8' coop and it works great. I have absolutely no smell at all. I am a firm believer in this product.
I have always used pine shavings, about 6-8 inches deep on plywood with linoleum covering. Where do you purchase hemp product? Is it pellet form? In a bale? Cost? Does it smell like the Hemp farms (skunk smell) when you first apply it??
Looking into deep bedding in coop because temperatures are starting to drop. I do not have a poop board under roosts. With deep bedding, do you stir all the poop as with deep litter and just freshen it up? Coop is 6x6.
I also do deep bedding inside my coop.
No poop board.
The chickens help me stir it up But, I have a little "gutter rake" handy and stir mine daily before I change out the water.
I replace mine the first week of every month. I found this method of Deep bedding works for me and keeps the flys and their larvae down a lot.
Good luck.
Make sure to have at least a 4x2 for the roost with their feet on the 4" side to prevent frost bite.
Pictures please. We all love pictures.
What is
I have the deep liter system using the HEMP product. 6 months so far and no smell at all. This will last over a year before i clean it. It decomposes right away and begins breaking down the smell as soon as it drops. LOL. If you are not using the Hemp product for your deep litter system then you are waisting your money and spend way too much time tending to it. FYI - I have 20 chickens in a 6' x 8' coop and it works great. I have absolutely no smell at all. I am a firm believer in this product.
What is the HEMP product? I have used wood chips for years with no problems and never thought I was WAISTING my money!!
What is

What is the HEMP product? I have used wood chips for years with no problems and never thought I was WAISTING my money!!
Sorry, it wasn't my intention to offend you or anyone for that matter. Most of the people in these stories are complaining about how much they tend to their chicken poop. Some say they use poop boards, others use straw ect. and they have to clean it all of the time. I use to do the same thing. If wood chips are working for you, then thats great. Not everyone has access to wood chips and I have never used them. I have used saw dust, wood shavings and straw and I am constantly cleaning, disposing and buying new material for my coops. The reason for my comment was when I discovered the Hemp product, it did everything it said it wood do and I don't have to clean, dispose or purchase any but maybe once a year. Plus because the product starts decomposing right away, it's a natural product that is great fertilizer for my garden, pasture, flower bed ect. the uses are endless. It doesn't smell at all which makes it easier to work with. I thought the purpose of these forums was to share our experiences to help each other.

Again, I apologize I didn't mean to offend you. I don't think you are waisting your money on wood chips. Have a great day.
I discovered the Hemp product, it did everything it said it wood do and I don't have to clean, dispose or purchase any but maybe once a year. Plus because the product starts decomposing right away, it's a natural product that is great fertilizer for my garden, pasture, flower bed ect. the uses are endless. It doesn't smell at all which makes it easier to work with.
Curious how long you have been using the hemp?
How many birds, size of coop, climate, are always good :D
No doubt it's much better at making 'garden soil' than wood shavings.

Oh, and I see you're fairly new here, so....
Welcome to BYC! @DMOTS
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!

I thought the purpose of these forums was to share our experiences to help each other.
It is, but there will always be few that take offense like anywhere on the internet, you can always just scroll on by.
Curious how long you have been using the hemp?
How many birds, size of coop, climate, are always good :D
No doubt it's much better at making 'garden soil' than wood shavings.

Oh, and I see you're fairly new here, so....
Welcome to BYC! @DMOTS
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
View attachment 2358317

It is, but there will always be few that take offense like anywhere on the internet, you can always just scroll on by.
Thank you for the help in adding my location. I was wondering how to do that. There are other things I would like to learn how to do. Maybe we can get to them later. Thanks for the positive comment about the post I did about the hemp bedding. I have only used the hemp for 6 to 7 months now. I did a lot of research when I heard about it and I liked what I learned. I had to try it out and I am very impressed. I was actually thinking of becoming a dealer here in the west because there isn't any one selling it here. but I am too old to start a new business. I am already self employed. I sell metal buildings, a very unique style and it takes up a lot of my time.
I live in central Ca. in a great agriculture area. We have all four seasons here and it can get hot here. It is not humid. We can get to freezing sometimes and lower but not that often.

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