Deer feeder?


In the Brooder
Mar 10, 2021

Did anyone used or though of using a deer feeder for their flock? Looks like they can deliver specific amount of food on a timer schedule. They are rodent and bird proof... overall seems a not so bad idea to prevent rodent to coming coop and steal food.
In a closed coop, no rats or wild birds, sure it would work.

But the cheapest one is more than a decent American made treadle feeder so.... why go that route?
Which treadle feeder? If the spring was set stiff enough and it had the factory narrow and distant treadle it would take a dozen rats to defeat a treadle feeder and some are sure to be caught inside each time till they are gone.

That is a bargain on the deer feeder but it costs more than a small rat proof feeder plus a set of batteries every four months. You would save the shipping cost as you can pick up the deer feeder locally.

Still, broadcasting feed on the ground... rat buffet, unsanitary to boot.

It is certainly an idea just not a good idea in my humble opinion.
Did anyone used or though of using a deer feeder for their flock? Looks like they can deliver specific amount of food on a timer schedule. They are rodent and bird proof... overall seems a not so bad idea to prevent rodent to coming coop and steal food.
There was a similar thread sometime last year:

I don't think it had any final decision, but maybe you could get some ideas from what was suggested there.

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