Delaware chick question


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2016
Hey Everyone! I bought these Delaware trio for eggs and to be our pets and recently someone approach me about getting some chicks from my birds. I decided to do it because I wanted to know what their babies would look like. Well I was able to hatch 11 beautiful babies and 10 of them are perfect little delaware babies. 1 of them hatched with a red tint to its feathers. It is 2 weeks old now and it looks just like it's siblings but it is red. Is this normal with Delawares? I have looked up rir and new Hampshire chicks and it doesn't look like either one of those and I know that there is no way another rooster could have gotten with my hen. So has anyone else ever had this problem before? Do I call it a red delaware? Thank you for listening and I greatly appreciate any and all advise.

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