Delaware hatch finished. 3 out of 4...not bad!


Star Bright Farm
11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
Brown City, Michigan (Thumb)
With my streak of bad luck (thanks to the po
) with my last 2 sets of eggs (BOs and Blue Bantam Cochins), things this time are looking much better!
I bought 8 Delaware eggs from Shortcake1806. At candling on day 14, there were 4 eggs which were not viable. Upon opening them, I found them scrambled.
The 4 remaining eggs, however, had very active peeps inside!
After candling them last night, those 4 are still very much alive and ready to come out of those eggs! So now I'm just waiting...again.
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i just bought a dozen day old delawares at the local feed store and they are so pretty. only thing is i am afraid that there may not be a rooster in the bunch so i may try to get some eggs from some one to hatch myself. i hope your hatch turns out well.enjoy the little fuzzballs.
Good morning, everyone. It seems that all's quiet in the bator this morning. Except I do keep hearing what sounds like a chick "chirp" occasionally. Can I really be hearing one of these chicks inside the egg? It's very strange. I also keep hearing what sounds like tapping on a hard surface. Can that be the chick(s) trying to pip? Maybe I'm just too excited and I'm super hoping that's what these sounds are. Anyways...I'll keep updating as things happen.
This is soooo awesome. This is the first time I've got to see the first pip...and it happened while I was sitting right beside the bator! I heard it all. Now I hear the chick chirping...and he's really rockin that egg around. Do you think I'll have a problem with imprinting, since I keep talking to him trying to get him to come on out!


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