Delaware? Question help!

I have Dels from S&G for my layer flock only. They are great layers, but have obviously been crossed with something else. Out of 50 pullets 30-50% have red feathers in one degree or another. They also have columbian markings vs bared feathers. They have great personalities and big beffy bodies. You KNOW when you pick up one of those hens. I can imagine using them to work on a personal Meat flock or for a layer flock..........but they are not breeding quality as of the fall 2009 birds. I have considered adding a culled Del roo to the pen to work on a meat project variety in the future. Think bowling balls that lay eggs. Large brown eggs.
dorking, brahma, welsumer, langshan, sussex, java, orpington are all breeds worth consideration because they are large, good layers, and docile like delewares

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