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I would have bought the cheaper stuff before paying that. That isn't even a days worth of feed at my house. I was complaining that it went up to 14.99 here, nearly doubled. I went elsewhere. But I don't buy Organic either. I guess I don't. I just buy chicken feed and come home and pour it in the tub it goes in. Now i'm back to buying store brand feed since Dumar went up so high.


They aren't too far from me, about 25 miles.

Ahh, poo, it's on the other side of the state. Thanks though!

Are there any organic mills over there? I make out because it's mostly locally produced grains and there are a number of organic mills in the area.

I'm not too savvy on how the grain markets and mills operate, but I pretty much pay the going market rate for organic grains and the only added cost is milling and delivery, which is a very small part of it. Last year I bought 700 bushels of corn from the neighbor and had it delivered to the mill. I paid storage costs of a few cents per bushel per quarter. Other than that it was my grain and went into our rations as needed.
That would last exactly 6.4 minutes here...
Have you tried feeding them other brands? I've never heard of a chicken that won't eat just about any kind of feed you toss in with them. The only thing I can think of is that they might need a transition period if changing TYPES of feed -- going from crumbles to pellets or pellets to crumbles or something of that nature. Even then, I've never had a problem with this.

If by some chance they DO act that picky then just take away their food dish for the day. Shut them in and do not let them free range for the day. They'll eat when you feed them the next day. It isn't cruel to do this for one day.

You could go buy organic grain at a health food grocery store for FAR less than $10 a pound and mix the feed yourself if you feel you must have certified organic feed and can't find it for less than that.

Was this feed store in some neighborhood where rich folks live? Folks that house their chickens in $20,000 condos built just for them? That's the only kind of neighborhood I can see where someone would even have the gall to price poultry food at that price. (Perhaps a store which caters to rich horse owners and sells "fancy organic" chicken feed on the side?)

(That or it was actually priced in Quetzals or Pesos...and the store charged you that price in dollars...)
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Mine is $29.99 for a 50# bag and I can't get it cheaper, no one else here has it cheaper... I don't know how far I'd have to go, but far enough to make it not worth it, so I'm stuck paying high prices.
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Not that I've found yet. I can't find any info online, and there's not much in the phone books either. I just had a thought, I'm gonna call the organic dairy where we get our milk, I bet they have a source
Thanks for your help.
I still want to know what this food is.....$40 bucks for 4lbs. I am sorry, but that just sounds too outrageous to believe---for chicken feed!

I feed 4lbs in a day. There's no way I could have chickens if feed was that much. I don't even spend $40 per month or even $40 in TWO months on feed!
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