Depressed chicken? What do I do...

I am so sorry to hear that...maybe they are closed for the New Year Holiday...hopefully they can offer an explanation and send you your chicks pronto!

Bad news, my order got cancelled, and it turns out that California Hatchery does not take calls...only emails. And even worse, they don't seem to answer emails, as mine was rejected due to the fact that their inbox is completely full. I'm hoping it is that full because they are popular, not ignorant. 

Saw that you said you are in Southern California. Whereabouts? Have you tried a feed store? Mine still carries some chicks during this season. Doesn't hurt to call around and ask. Also check Craigslist (of course do you proper screening in the process). Many people sell their barnyard mixes or hobby-hatched chicks. Many also sell young pullets to POL pullets

Sorry to hear about your loss. One of my hens went through a depression when her BFF passed. She followed me everywhere for weeks. She's fine now, but hasn't found another BFF within the flock.
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oh no!! If you are up for it I would consider getting a diaper for her and then letting her spend most of her time indoors with you. We just lost one chick this morning:( but the good thing is I have 7 so hopefully her best friend won't be too sad.

Hey guys, my order was cancelled and after New Years I received an email telling me that I should order my chicks now to get them in March. It says on their website that they always have 'Available Now' assortments, but I guess I was wrong or maybe they were. I don't think I will be ordering from them.

Malibu Feed Bin is sort of close to me, so I might just wait for their chicks to come in February. They have a good selection, although they aren't always the most friendly. However, I have to give it to them, they are almost always reliable in gender and breed.
oh no!! If you are up for it I would consider getting a diaper for her and then letting her spend most of her time indoors with you. We just lost one chick this morning:( but the good thing is I have 7 so hopefully her best friend won't be too sad.

This sounds like a great idea! Joy has come in the house many many times looking for me. I'm not sure if they feel comfortable in the diapers, and I'm not sure if the rest of my family is up for it, so that's a big maybe.

I am so sorry for your loss! I know how terrible it is.
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This sounds like a great idea! Joy has come in the house many many times looking for me. I'm not sure if they feel comfortable in the diapers, and I'm not sure if the rest of my family is up for it, so that's a big maybe.

I am so sorry for your loss! I know how terrible it is.

Yes I know what you mean! My mom would probably never allow it, but you could just tell them that it's temporary until you can get her a friend. It does take the chickens a little time to get use to them. I know sells them if you want to go look at some.

Thank you! I knew she was a lot weaker than the rest because she had crossed beak and wasn't getting much food but I had hoped she would make it! I feel for you and Joy because she lost her only friend:( Hope you find a solution soon!

Hey guys! Exciting news. Today I am going to pick up 2 or 3 chicks for Joy. I'm thinking ameraucanas. How soon do you think I could introduce the week-old chicks to Joy?
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Once they are fully feathered, by about 4 weeks, you can start letting them stay in a pen next to Joy's run during they day. By about 6 to 8 weeks old, you may be able to allow some supervised evening interaction. If that goes well, you can move the little ones into the coop with her. The look-but-not-touch period really helps integration go smoothly.
Thank you! Sounds great.

Kind of off topic...but do you know any preventatives that keep spiders out of a coop. Since Willow passed, I've been asking around if there are any reasons for sudden death in chickens. A chicken expert...seriously...told me that some chickens will eat a black widow or a brown recluse and die. Sadly, I have a wooden coop (the mean spiders like those) and I can't seem to get the spiders out of the nooks and crannies.

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