Depressed Chicken???


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 1, 2008
I have about 26 month old chicks. I had two barred rock roosters. They were doing great and then one afternoon about 2 days ago I went out to the pen and one was dead. The other barred rock seems depressed. He stands in a corner of the pen with his feathers fluffed up and is very sluggish. I have seen him eat a little. today I checked on him and was looking under his wings. The feathers under his wings were very dirty and had a little bit of brownish goop. I brought him in and cleaned him up disinfected with hydrogen proxide and dried him and put him in a box in the house with a lamp. Can someone give me some advice. Please I don't wan to loose another chick.
I did some research and the chick doesn't display any of the other symptoms other than being sluggish.
Just me, But then again I know the signs all to well, With the ruffled feathers and the chick being sluggish, I would treat for Coccidiosis..Good luck with whatever you decide

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