Depressed hen


Jun 8, 2023
My hen has been really mopey every time I take her eggs. She keeps getting broody and I always take the eggs away because they are infertile. I noticed when I take the eggs she get super sad and doesn’t want to eat anything I give her. I didn’t think this was normal. She usually loves to snuggle with her sister and run around the yard but she’s been isolating herself for days after I take her eggs. I read that chickens don’t get upset when you do this, even when broody but she is anyway. She even sits in the nesting box without eggs and bites anyone near her. Or cries out. I feel so bad what should I do?
She sounds sick.
Chickens don't get depressed from having their eggs taken like that.
How old is she? Complete diet? Crop feel? How's her poops?
Her crop feels fine and her poops are usually normal . She eats flock feeder and she’s not quite a year old yet. I usually mix in peas or corn plus they get free range time. I also offer oyster shells for calcium. She’s a frizzle serama chicken . I got her from a breeder in January. I’m really worried about her. Other than being mopey she doesn’t really show any signs of physical illness . She still drinks some water it’s just she never wants to leave the coop to eat. She sits on other chickens eggs as well.
Maybe once a week sometimes twice. I try to supplement the diet with thing that aren’t just crumble feeds
Chicken feed is the best thing for her, adding extras takes away from nutrition rather than adds much.
As long as the layer feed is good quality, she doesn't need anything else.
You can try a vitamin boost with some poultry cell.

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