Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

a derpdate, and a lovely video of derp to boot! Thank you fud lady - glad to see that you're all surviving the cold snap.
Well, we are yet again dealing with the neighbor's loose dogs. Fortunately my coop and run are built to withstand bears, complete with electric fencing, but it is very frustrating nonetheless. It makes me very nervous to have the chickens out for supervised ranging time.
We called Animal Control and they issued the neighbors a warning and gave us formal permission to shoot if we catch the dogs at the chicken or the coop. I guess the neighbor is lying and saying she just got the dogs?! Horse hockey. I have photos of the same ones the last several years. I just hope that she is not the type to retaliate...

It is so frustrating when people can't be bothered to take the most minimal responsible actions for their animals, such as simply tying them to a lead when letting them out.

It is interesting and sad that over the last three years of having chickens, the only predator I've had to deal with are people and dogs!
Well, I have had to make a vet appointment for Baron Rufflerump. As of yesterday, he's developed a bad limp, and does not want to put weight down on his right leg. Hopefully on Monday our vet will be able to help us determine if he has an injury, or.. well, if we should suspect Marek's. I have him on Metacam right now as it is a pain killer and anti-inflammatory.
Well, I have had to make a vet appointment for Baron Rufflerump. As of yesterday, he's developed a bad limp, and does not want to put weight down on his right leg. Hopefully on Monday our vet will be able to help us determine if he has an injury, or.. well, if we should suspect Marek's. I have him on Metacam right now as it is a pain killer and anti-inflammatory.
Cochin get pulled muscles due to their size- so it could be something as simple as that, in my prayers!

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