Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

She's back!!! Yay! Sorry to hear about your losses, but I am glad the rest of your pets and family are well (and you, of course). Your duck stamp looks amazing on our family' hunting licenses
. Can't wait to hear the next Derp update!

I'm so sorry for your  losses I know how hard it is to cope.  :hugs  I looked at all of your pictures and you are so talented.  I am so glad that Derp is alive and well.  I was so afraid that something would happen to her.  

Again welcome back and tell Derp that we have missed her too.  


Thank you! To be honest, given her problems, I was always scared that Derp would have a short life. As time goes on though she has proven to be very spunky! I will always do my best by her!
The weather has been unusually warm here, where we are used to getting blasted with cold and snow starting in November and lasting until late April... but it's been t-shirt weather until now for the most part! So now the chickens are fluffy and snuggly!

Here is sweet golden Willow this morning, preening my sleeve gently, while Derp ponders and waits her turn.

And a short video of Derp having a cuddle this morning:
Thanks so much for posting the pic and video of Derp. She is so precious and I love her little voice.

Our weather has been warm too except for the last couple of days. We've had so much rain it is finally drying out tho.

I know you take the best care of Derp and I bet she is glad you have returned.

Happy New Year to you and yours.

This morning struck quite cold again (the thermometer read 3°F) but sunny! So the chickens were once again quite fluffus and puffus, with extra bloomers and buttfroof to go around. This seems to make them extra snuggly, so we had quite the little photo session inside the coop. Would anyone come outside? Oh goodness, no. A teeny tiny bit of that white stuff fell on the ground, and the Fud Lady needs to stop that from happening anymore!

"Oh, hullo Fud Lady! Good morming! This I am, with some other chickuns I know."

"I has eaten the Fud, O Fud Lady, and now have ready for your pettings. Come close!"

"Yes, dis is good, time for pettings!

"What is doing, Fud Lady?"

The Fud Lady decided that it was high time to rub Derp's keel, which is just what she wanted. Afterward, it was time for more photos.

"IT IS DECIDE! You are BEST Fud Lady out of all. This is good pettings. "

"Maybe so good that I has the sleep, now. Maybe just a little."

Derperella snoozed a little bit while the Fud Lady did some coop cleaning. As the Fud Lady went to leave, Derp popped back awake for a moment.

"Hullo up there, Fud Lady. Goodbye up there, Fud Lady. See you soon!"


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