Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

I love this thread! I've been a little worried about my Barred Rock Klutzy, but today I was watching her and it dawned on me: "There's nothing wrong with you; you're just a little Derpy!" Thank you, Nambroth, for raising awareness about Derpiness!
Sorry everyone! I won't let it die. It's just a really hard time of year for me to get many 'fun' things done. When you make jewelry and paintings for a living, guess what everyone wants from you for Christmas..?!! Eeek.

I may not be able to take my camera out into this sloppy, nasty rainy mud weather we've been having, but I could snap a few cellphone photos if you'd like. Would that tide you over?

Poor Derp looks like a monk right now. She's started to accept our cockerel but Derp is so small that he has trouble staying on top of her. He's a good boy, and polite to the ladies, but clumsy on such a little girl like her. A bunch of her head feathers accidentally got pulled out! She's okay-- please don't worry-- she doesn't even seem to notice. But she sure looks silly!!
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