

6+ black and self blue split Cochins

6+ ee and f2 olive eggers

6+ khaki Campbell's with possibility of mule or welsh khaki mix. Have only hatched 2 mixes out of over fifty ducklings.

6+ bantam mixes. Possibility of pure silkies


Bantam mix pen includes: can send up to 12 mixes
2 white silkie Roos
2 partridge silkie Roos
Gold sebright mix roo
Buff brahma roo
Lemon blue project showgirl silkie roo
Choc bantam orp cockerel (don't know if he's breeding yet)

White silkie hen and pullet
White silkie mix showgirl hen
2 partridge silkie hens
Lemon blue project silkie hen
Splash silkie/Cochin hen
Blue silkie/Cochin hen
Gold sebright hen
Gold sebright mix hen
Silver sebright mix hen
Old English game hen
Wild color mix hen
Silver penciled mix hen

Large fowl mixes: 12 eggs
Barred Plymouth Rock hens and roo
Black jersey giant roo
Black hens supposed to be jersey giant but feet are not yellow so despite their size I would say orps or australorps
2 buff brahma hens
Buff orp hen
Blue laced red Wyandotte hen

Could also add up to 3 eggs from the jersey giant pen. As of now only the blue hen is laying she is in with a black and a blue cockeral and so far the eggs have been fertile.
I have 6 x *FERTILE EGGS* Yellow-legged OEG bantam X Red Leg horn Rooster
and my girls are still laying
Welcome to byc, this is what we call a swap, one person lists their eggs, next person says mine and offers what they have. It will be hard for you to join as we in the states can't ship to you
Quote: I worked out a deal with elieugene6 to get her unstuck. So, MINE on extra khakis on my other swap she owes me. Thanks eli!


4+ Muscovies (White drake over assorted hens)
4+ Indian Runners (Mixed color flock from SQ stock)
12+ Coturnix (Mix of colors including Texas A&M, Jumbos & regular)
6+ Assorted Pure Ducks (Could be Calls, Peking, Muscovies &/or Runners) will include at least 2 breeds, you may omit 1 breed
3 "showgirls in progress" plus 2 ducks of breed of your choice from above (Showgirls are still in progress. Roo has spiked comb & red neck, hen is smooth feathered. Both have 5 toes, black skin. Hen carries silkied gene but does not show it. Both are "bowtie.")

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