Mine on the Marans eggs! (This is still current offer, yes?)

I can do 12+ barnyard mix:
Roos are a Dominique and Swedish Flower.
Hens are Swedish Flower, Marans, Dominique, Cochin (standard,) Wyandotte, Buff Orp, EE, OE, and New Hamp.
Yay! PM sent!

Don't let me kill the thread! (Always a big worry of mine. LOL!) I have GREAT fertility and hatchability on these guys. Even shipped. I know where the Dom Hennie lays, and she prefers the Dom roo from what I have seen, so that one MAY be pure. I will mark it just in case. The Swedish Flower eggs may be pure as well, I have several of those ladies in there and he is most definitely top man.

And if I kill the thread long enough, my brown leghorn pair or OEGB trios may start laying and I can add some of them. LOL!
Mine on the Marans eggs! (This is still current offer, yes?)

I can do 12+ barnyard mix:
Roos are a Dominique and Swedish Flower.
Hens are Swedish Flower, Marans, Dominique, Cochin (standard,) Wyandotte, Buff Orp, EE, OE, and New Hamp.

Mine on the mix
Would love to have as many SFH and Marans as possible :)

6+ Polish
8+ EE/Ameraucana splits
Or any other non egg offer from my swap page
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Mine on the mix
Would love to have as many SFH and Marans as possible

6+ Polish
8+ EE/Ameraucana splits
Or any other non egg offer from my swap page
Mine on the Polish

6+ Silkie/Cochin mix
12+ Buff Orps/Black Australorps/Barred Rock/Silver laced Wyandottes
or anything on my swap page
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Mine on the Polish

6+ Silkie/Cochin mix
12+ Buff Orps/Black Australorps/Barred Rock/Silver laced Wyandottes
or anything on my swap page

Mine on the Silkie Cochin Mix

10+ EE Rooster - Pea Comb, Mostly white with some gray and black on wings and tail. (hatched from a pink shell)

EE, Silver Wyandotte, Buff Orpington Hens
Mine on the Silkie Cochin Mix

10+ EE Rooster - Pea Comb, Mostly white with some gray and black on wings and tail. (hatched from a pink shell)

EE, Silver Wyandotte, Buff Orpington Hens

New offer - 6+ SLW eggs, the hens are young, eggs are smaller in size, but fertile just hatched my first 4.
is the thread still going i have hens that are laying like crazy...

Mine on the Silkie Cochin Mix

10+ EE Rooster - Pea Comb, Mostly white with some gray and black on wings and tail. (hatched from a pink shell)

EE, Silver Wyandotte, Buff Orpington Hens

New offer - 6+ SLW eggs, the hens are young, eggs are smaller in size, but fertile just hatched my first 4.
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is the thread still going i have hens that are laying like crazy...


New offer - 6+ SLW eggs, the hens are young, eggs are smaller in size, but fertile just hatched my first 4.[/COLOR]

Yes, it is. All you need to do is claim the eggs in the post above you. Then pm the poster. Then put in your offer. You may have to wait awhile for someone to claim them though. I keep watching it myself, but I'm looking for something specific.

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