I absolutely love Sally's cooler-bator and started rounding up parts to build one. Then I made this mistake of checking out some of the homemade incubators in the "learning center". I have worked with wood all my life, and also fell in love with a couple of the wooden cabinets in there. Since I have the tools, and some of the wood I need, I decided to build a wood cabinet incubator.
It will have a wood frame with 2" of styrofoam and a thin plywood skin inside and out. My biggest concern in fan and heat location. Do I need to worry about the circulation fan drying out the egg? I mean by blowing right on the eggs. How do I avoid "cold" spots inside the cabinet? I am thinking bulbs as a heat source, and I have electronic controllers on the way for thermostats.
For the "perfect" incubator are there design concerns as to heat location, fan location, etc? Since I am building the cabinet, and designing this thing myself, I am pretty much unlimited as to how I configure it, but need some direction here. HELP!
Thanks in advance.
It will have a wood frame with 2" of styrofoam and a thin plywood skin inside and out. My biggest concern in fan and heat location. Do I need to worry about the circulation fan drying out the egg? I mean by blowing right on the eggs. How do I avoid "cold" spots inside the cabinet? I am thinking bulbs as a heat source, and I have electronic controllers on the way for thermostats.
For the "perfect" incubator are there design concerns as to heat location, fan location, etc? Since I am building the cabinet, and designing this thing myself, I am pretty much unlimited as to how I configure it, but need some direction here. HELP!
Thanks in advance.