Desperately want to keep chickens!


8 Years
Jun 22, 2011
I've got too much to say to introduce myself, so I guess I'll stick with the questions so I don't go overboard.

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
I'm so new to chickens that I'm pre-chicken. Yep, I'm just here to be a registered lurker and soak up information until the magical day when I can order my coop plans, build that sucker and get my chicks. I've been in love with chickens for years, and every time I read about keeping them, I become more determined that I'll have a little flock some day (I'm saying in the next few years, after we move). I think chickens are beautiful, fascinating, and entertaining, and I can't wait to keep them and have eggs that I know came from well cared-for animals. Also, if I ever overcome my "brown thumb," it sounds like they'd be good to have around the vegetable garden.

My husband, on the other hand, is an oddball who prefers to eat eggs "that didn't come from a pet's butt"- he'd rather be detached from the source of his food. It seems so strange to me, but I'm patiently working on convincing him that some level of self-sufficiency and connection to food is the way to go. Right now he's saying he wouldn't mind me keeping chickens as long as I look after them myself and we don't have too many other pets at the same time, which seems reasonable. I'm sure he'll see the light once we have a few!

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

(3) What breeds do you have?
Obviously none, but I'm already researching breeds, and then I'll have to look into availability. I'm really liking Australorps right now- it sounds like they're fairly docile, which is important to me, good layers, and very beautiful. I fell in love with a little Barbu d'Uccle (I think) hen I saw at the wildlife park last weekend- she was beautiful and friendly, and I have an unreasonable love for feathery feet. I'll probably start out with larger birds, but I'd like to add bantams some day.

(4) How did you find out about
Google search for chicken breeders.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
I write, I read a lot, I enjoy doing crafts, and I customize My Little Ponies. My kids keep me very busy, but I wouldn't call them a hobby.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
I've already mentioned my husband, who's an amazing guy in spite of his mystifying lack of enthusiasm regarding chickens. We'll have to move every three or four years for his job, which will be a challenge once we have chickens. We have two sons, ages 3 and 5, and one dog (a boxer) and one cat. We currently live in Nova Scotia, but are hoping to move back to Newfoundland next summer. I'm a stay-at-home mom, at least until our younger guy starts school- I'm not qualified to do any job that pays enough to justify paying for daycare.
I'm very interested in making my family as self-sufficient as possible, though early attempts at vegetable gardening have been completely unsuccessful (mostly due to not having a proper garden to plant in). We're not expecting a zombie invasion or anything, but I think it would be good for the kids to grow up understanding where their food comes from and why it's important to care for the Earth. I'm a terrible housekeeper, but I'm working on it.
Welcome. I am a Bluenoser living in PA with my American wife (the other half of Chick Norris). I always get excited when I see people from Nova Scotia on here! Our Australorp is the most docile followed by our cochin. Good luck getting started.

That phobia he has about eating something from a chickens rear is interesting...
Just ask him if he'd rather it be a chicken he knew, or a stranger chicken. nothing is stranger than a strange chicken. really.

Noob here also. Its hard to believe there would be so many questions about a semi-flightless bird.

I feel your pain
Thanks for the welcome, everyone!

It's interesting, alright. I just found out about it a few nights ago when we were talking to friends about me having chickens. I guess it has something to do with not growing up near the source of your food (my husband grew up on a summer camp/ranch with horses, but no chickens, pigs, goats, cows, etc.), but I grew up even farther from my food, so that's definitely not the whole story! I think he'd rather not think about it being from ANY chicken.

He also thinks I'd never be able to eat a bird that I raised... we'll have to see on that one.
Welcome to the BYC forum

I think you and your kids will enjoy chickens, and I think your husband will come around. It is probably a good idea to start small, especially since you more fairly often.
from Ontario, Canada!
Too funny, you sound just like me... stay at home Mom, rookie gardner, new to chickens, trying to be some what self-sufficient and teach your kids about good food. This site has been so very helpful to me as I am sure it will be for you.

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