destruction and disposal orders HELP

since this is the second case iv come across where buying/selling poultry and eggs is spreading AI I fear our hobby is about to be heavily regulated.


I'm afraid you may be right. And it saddens me to think what we might loose due to govt regs. we have lost so many beautiful breeds because lets face it.. we as small flock owners and hobbyists are what are keeping some of these near extinct lines going

Hope things keep going your way...
Can't imagine
Just reading this thread stressed me out and made me tear up...
Fingers crossed for you...
Let's keep our birds safe everyone

A BYCer shared with me that every few years and from time to time the AI in some mutated new strain comes along in an epidemic proportion. Like a hurricane, a storm at sea, a volcanic eruption, a flood, an earthquake - we ride the disaster and save what we can. Agreed that we hobbyists are exactly what's keeping rare birds going!

I have mixed feelings about govt intervention vs public safety. The govt is/can be a pain in the rear yet I personally am glad there is monitoring going on. Unfortunately there is absolutely no excuse for destroying healthy birds - especially the rare. Quarantine makes sense, needless destruction doesn't. Hurray for John for hanging in there for all of us hobbyists - we, the last line of rare bird survivalists riding yet another storm!
thankfully the cases in my state have been minimal and far, far from my flock and no new cases in over a month... that doesn't mean I still don't worry tho... an interesting thing about the USDA tracking site is a vast vast vast majority of infected flocks are very very large flocks of commercial operations of well over 10,000 birds.. coincidence?
Coincidence? No, the USDA is clever at how to use AI to increase egg prices & intimidate the commercial ranchers to pay under the table for a clean bill of health. Or as one BYCer said someone in the 6 figure salary is wanting to come out smelling like a rose and thump their chest to say "see what a good boy I am - I thwarted an epidemic in my state by killing flocks all over the place!" I'm not eloquent but you get the idea.
Don't disparage chicken poop - chicken poop is way superior and more useful than bureaucrats!!!!
any kind of poop is more useful than bureaucrats
I read as much as I could find on AI this weekend. The pessimist in me wants to think that the USDA and the media are oversensationalizing it, but it is a scary thing. From what I gather, my closed flock should be fine, and I am not near any major waterfowl travel lanes, so I'm not as worried as I was. Some of the stories of the giant kills, and how they have to compost entire barns of birds, are just incredible.
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John, that clip was amazing. And nice job on the part of that reporter falling back on her training and instincts and calling the DOA before she came out to interview you. You're probably right - without that heads-up the DOA wouldn't have known their actions were under a media microscope and cancelled their plans for dusk. Too many reporters jump on the first part of the story and then check with other entities to do a "followup" and "get their reaction". She got it right! Had she interviewed you, aired the interview, and then contacted the DOA, it could well have been too late!

Now, keep them thar birds to home, and let us know once in awhile how they are doing. Your smile was contagious!
xs 2

I read as much as I could find on AI this weekend. The pessimist in me wants to think that the USDA and the media are oversensationalizing it, but it is a scary thing. From what I gather, my closed flock should be fine, and I am not near any major waterfowl travel lanes, so I'm not as worried as I was. Some of the stories of the giant kills, and how they have to compost entire barns of birds, are just incredible.
Our area has been covering it heavily for a while now, even though, thank God, it hasn't hit here.
Apiaryandaviary: love your avatar. Compare it to mine! Tell me about your roo. EE?

I clicked on the link to the news segment several times, and couldn't get it. Any suggestions? Glad this fight was won. If any other battles come up, it would be wise to follow the same format, and muster all forces to save our flocks. Good getting the media on board. Witch hunt averted. I will tell you all that I am implementing my own strategy to ensure flock preservation in the event that something similar happens in my area. I'd advise you all to do likewise!

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