destruction and disposal orders HELP

I tried to post a link to the aphis usda dot gov site but could not, anyway it's not showing the flu in Louisiana or in NC yet
or in VA....i'm confident that my birds are clean and will remain so...the virus usually shows up within 3 days if its there..i'm approaching day 7 with NO signs...if something DOES rear up, i will report it immediately.... i can appreciate why things went down the way they did--- they don't KNOW me, but i'm honest to a fault...i am SOOO grateful for every iota of positiveness that's enabled my birds to at least be granted a chance at life... i do owe THEM at least that much ---- without them, my world would **** near collapse...
and i don't blame RR --- the ONLY thing that would be WRONG would be if they tested positive and continued to sell eggs, which i do NOT believe happened... they went thru hell today and my heart truly hurts for them...their eggs that were taken from me (20+) showed over 80% fertility and megan was great about double boxing for me... and yet she took the time this morning to answer a question i had..(which also may have helped saved MY birds... don't know if i would personally get back into the birds if i had to face THAT...but if i stay clean, i'd be more than happy to help her repopulate - --and i'm sure i'm not alone in that thinking...
thankfully the cases in my state have been minimal and far, far from my flock and no new cases in over a month... that doesn't mean I still don't worry tho... an interesting thing about the USDA tracking site is a vast vast vast majority of infected flocks are very very large flocks of commercial operations of well over 10,000 birds.. coincidence?
WOW you got **** lucky! buying eggs from a state with an ongoing AI outbreak is NOT VERY SMART! Its not that your flock had it or not but rather your flock came in contact with AI from a farm CONFIRMED with AI. im glad your birds are not being destroyed but your small potatoes in a VERY large basket. 50 000 000 birds have been infected and culled because of this.... and your not in the clear yet

no one thinks it can happen to them!

news flash IT CAN!


(sorry this is not Johns source of eggs) this farm has shipped eggs and birds to 75% of the states, infecting states that didnt even have AI.

good luck to you all!

stay safe!
i know -- unfortunately, i don't stay abreast of the news like i should (51 year old male who can't- watch any type of horror show withhout getting nightmares, nevermind harsh at times reality) -- but you ARE 100% correct
i know   -- unfortunately, i don't stay abreast of the news like i should (51 year old male who can't- watch any type of horror show withhout getting nightmares, nevermind harsh at times reality) -- but you ARE 100% correct

Granted he may be correct, but you bought from someone reputable and honest... unfortunately, mistakes were made and somehow they got it and sent eggs before they knew... I commend them on their willingness to answer your question, John, and hope that your flock's 2nd chance works out in yours and their favor...
Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and just have one suggestion... once you make it through quarantine and are declared clear, it might be wise to close your flock for a while... I know others are already doing this as am I now... good luck to you and yours, and keep your chin up... :hugs
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John, I watched your video, I read your post, and I heard the heartbreak and initial anger. No one blames you one bit for having such strong emotions. Yet your subsequent posts have shown understanding for those who were tasked with the sad job of taking the lives of your birds. In your video you even said that. You've shown compassion for the seller as well, worried about her losses and being willing to help her rebuild.

Know what I think, John? I think you are an honorable and genuinely nice guy. I'm so happy that nice guys don't always finish last.
i agree with the above ^

It doesnt help that the news is pretty much quiet about Ai either John, your not alone. heck iv heard of feed mills that dont have a clue what is going on, my olf feed mill has wild birds in there warehouse, i was the one who informed them about Ai and told them why i was switching mills, I did however find a higher quality local milled feed.

Take it easy man!
John, I watched your video, I read your post, and I heard the heartbreak and initial anger. No one blames you one bit for having such strong emotions. Yet your subsequent posts have shown understanding for those who were tasked with the sad job of taking the lives of your birds. In your video you even said that. You've shown compassion for the seller as well, worried about her losses and being willing to help her rebuild.

Know what I think, John? I think you are an honorable and genuinely nice guy. I'm so happy that nice guys don't always finish last.

x 2

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