destruction and disposal orders HELP

I really do hope we are updated, good or bad. This flu thing may get much worse, and I haven't been paying a lot of attention to it, but I think I should. I always assume stories like this are blown up by the media to scare people and improve ratings, but I need to research more to see if there is something I should be doing to protect myself
There has been very little about Avian Influenza on the media. It is being ignored by a lot of people. AI is real, it is spreading, and as you can see, has the ability to become a MAJOR threat to all levels of chicken keeping.
It is posted on the Facebook page backyard chickens of Mississippi. By a lady that runs shows in LA. She is helping the people. The latest update is the birds are being culled and the owner reimbursed.
I'll bet they aren't reimbursing pain and suffering. Jeez, I have too many to be attached to all of them, but there are a few even I would cry over
And reimbursement is determined at state level. If you own show chickens they are worth the same dollar value as barnyard mixes. His sentimental loss is going to be gut wrenching, his financial loss is not one I would wish on my best enemy.
How do they determine cost? Do they figure out all the food they have eaten? Initial cost? Who are they to presume what our birds are worth to us?

My heart is breaking for you....what absolute beurocratic chicken poop!!!
I would love to serve them up with a statement of claim for special damages.

Here's the food bill from my flock, here's a cost of the eggs I'll have to buy from the grocery store when chickens are allowed to be had again...

I understand having to quarantine or cull sick birds to keep it from spreading. But...this is just a waste!

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