Determining sex of a duckling


14 Years
May 6, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, EB
Two Indian Runners just hatched. They came from a blue mating pair and my hatchlings, one is blue-fawn and the other blue like its parents. I was surprised at the fawn one but then Im just learning about ducks and their coloring. Regarding their sex, the fawn colored one is a lot larger than the blue one. Does their size at hatch indicate sex? I read something about head size is larger in the female than male but not sure if that holds true for hatchlings.
Here are my two

I love them to death already. They have so much personality and seem so happy when I talk to them and stick my head in the brooder. They seem to love to be touched and held. I hope that doesnt change as the age. On the other hand, they do not cry or call for me when I cannot be there with them like baby chick and quail....perfect pets!
Probably have to wait a little while to find out here's a picture of my baby runner 4 days old maybe to use as a head comparison when they reach that old? Not sure about the head size sexing method only the quack and obviously egg laying haha
I forgot to add that she's a girl
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That is a cute picture.  Is yours a boy or girl?  Looks like a big head in comparison to the body but I think it is just the camera angle.
she's a girl :) could be the camera angle she stands like a penguin haha leans in a little when I'm taking pictures I have another picture of her on my page and in a thread I made called indian runner week by week :)

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