Detroit in the house!

from Alabama. Glad you joined us.
Grew up in Ferndale!! Greatest city EVER!!!! Hoping to move to Hazel Park however, chicken keeping is more relaxed! Hoping to start a flock by next spring, sadly not enough time for me this year. Maybe I'll find someone willing to share an order from strombergs next year?
Thank you all for the welcome and I will be sure to check out that vegan section in the random ramblings forum! I can't wait to get started raising!
I might just have to take you up on that offer @crazygirl. I have a new baby due at the beginning of May so my chicken aspirations might come to a screeching halt this summer. I plan on getting my coop and run fully built and ready to go once the weather breaks and the ground thaws, but i have plans for a massive garden as well as the other usual homeowner type of projects to keep me plenty busy. Add a 2 year old and a newborn to that mix and you have pure chaos for me in the coming months! Let me know how things go for you this spring and maybe we can collaborate further on this as time goes by. Good luck!
Welcome! Glad to hear Ferndale allows chickens. Grew up in Berkley, live in WA now. Keep us posted on your progress with the coop...we love pictures!
Hello and welcome! I am almost finished with my move from Garden City, MI to Western KY. Michigan was good for me, but it is time to move on.

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