developmently delayed 6 year old... suggestions please

It's like Hamburgers but Asp instead of ham. Think snake. HAHAHA!!! Aspies are all soooo danged different. This child needs a therapist that works with Aspies to determine her level of all things she can handle and what things she can't handle now, but could with therapy. It IS possible for an Aspie to have a full and normal life.
Before you go to the principal and school board, talk to the teacher and find out the school policies under which the teacher works. Our school has a policy concerning homework and how much and how often we are supposed to send home, so if the teacher is following policy then trying to get her/him in trouble for that is pretty much going to get you nowhere. I know a lot of people on here do not believe in following the chain of command at a school, but the first step is always talk to the teacher first.

Explain your concerns about the amount of homework, and tell the teacher how long it takes every night to do it all and ask for adaptive homework assignments. I don't like to assign homework unless it is strictly practice because you can't take an honest grade from homework, there are too many family members who do it for the student and I also believe that family time is more important.

If the math homework is something like this for example: 20 addition problems 2 + 2, 3+3, etc, ask if you can cut it into fourths and do five problems of each type instead of 20. If you see your daughter struggling to do it though that means she needs practice at it and no there is not usually time for a lot of practice in one subject in the classroom because there are other subjects that must be taught. Practicing letters is very important, do it first and get it out of the way. One good way to practice her writing is to have her copy her favorite story book.

Most students with SPED IEP's have written into them guidelines concerning adaptive assignments in class but generally they do not limit homework because many SPED students will need more practice at home to make progress.

My biggest concern is holding her back, don't. In our district the parent can refuse to have a child held back one time and they have to sign a form stating that they have used their one opt-out. This means the child can be held back later without the parents permission. Holding a child back in K - 2 is useless. That means when they get up to 5th or 6th and are really struggling we can't hold them back when they really need it. So if you can prevent that from happening please don't let them hold her back at that young age.

If you can't get the homework issue resolved at the school level, teacher then principal, then go to the next level, but don't try and jump the chain because believe me; nothing will cause ill-will faster than a parent who thinks they can force an issue by going around the teacher without speaking to them first. I had a parent come in two days ago to complain about something I said in class 2 months ago. She never called me, never attempted to talk to me, and didn't even remember exactly what I said but she called the superintendent first, who asked if she'd spoken with the principal yet,, of course she hadn't so she was told to talk to the principal and she was asked at that level how I had responded to her and of course she hadn't spoken with me. So instead of calling me right away and solving the problem she took the round about way, a lot of wasted time, and then was unhappy because I had her daughter removed from my class because I'm not willing to go through this for the rest of the year every time she decides to jump the chain of command.
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I would talk with her teachers and/or the principal and set up a meeting to make changes in her IEP. They should have included some of that in her goals?? If not I would have that changed. That is too much!
oh no i hope you didnt get the wrong idea, i wrote a note to her teacher expressing my concern and wanting to scheduale a meeting to discuss her IEP. i always try to talk to the teacher first.
we wont hold her back unless the teacher and the other people involved feel its necessary. so no worries.
i realize that she needs practice on math, lol that was my worst subject LOL but her writing is getting worse and that bothers me.

cross your fingers for me folks, i hope i can get this figured out!
I agree..get that IEP amended...
They can usually set up a meeting pretty quickly.
Good luck!
I've got a daughter with autism, I agree with what Deb said. All autistic children, (and I am including all the ones who have a diagnosis on the autism spectrum, so that includes Aspbergers) are different. They all have different capabilities and different difficulties.
Look that IEP over, you may want to change it. Does she need an aide in the classroom to help her at all? She should not have 2 hours of homework every night in elementary! You are her parent, you know her best, you know what she can do, how much she can handle and what is best for her. You may need to be assertive. Thats okay, you are her advocate and YOU (not the public school system)decide what she does and deoesn't need as far as her education. You can get more time spent on writing or reading or whatever you think she needs. Just make the IEP reflect that, and then you may have to make sure they are following through on it. Good luck! : )
thanks all! im so glad to know im not over reacting! i wish she still had a service coordinator! Gena (Service coordinator) used to help me understand everything, and encourage me. lately since she has been gone, its been a lot harder, because i dont know what i can do, i dont want to upset the teachers..

thanks again ill let you all know what happens
I hope things get straightened out soon! I REALLY dislike a 6 year old having that much homework, heck I think it is insane for a kindergartener to have homework. I understand that they do that to for the kids whom's parents don't work with them at home, so they get extra practice, but at the same time I really think cooping a young child up all day at school and then cooping them up at home to do home work is too much. They really need time to run and de-stress after school. Just my opinion of course

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