
5 Years
Oct 23, 2018
Hello everyone!

So, I have 2 girls Tooki (7 weeks old) and Brownie (5 weeks old). After getting Tooki's poop tested a few days back and finding out that she had worm eggs in her stool, I dewormed both her and her sister yesterday and today with Albendazole.

I had to repeat again today at the advice of my vet, as they hadn't completed their dose yesterday and have been instructed to deworm them again after 7 days.

What I want to ask is what else can do for my girls regarding worms? Please do let me know.
What type of worms did the vet say they had?

I'm sure others will chime in, but breaking the cycle of worms and good litter management can help with controlling internal parasites.
Here's some reading for you:
Thank you so much!
The vet didn't specify but told me to get Albendazole from the chemist. Initially he had said to get Levimasole but since in my region it is not available anywhere, he told me to get Albendazole instead.
Curious, how old are these birds?
Ask your vet what kind of worms and what any further care is needed.

Oh, and more to the story here:

Tooki is 7 weeks old and Brownie is 5 weeks old.
The vet didn't specify just told me to use levamisole. When I couldn't find that he said to use Albendazole. Thankfully I was able to find it in the market!
Actually, I am the one who started this thread. I am talking about the same chicks.
I finished their first deworming yesterday and have noticed that their poop looks normal. Brownish with a white cap on top. Sometimes, the entire poop is covered with white but from inside it is brownish.
Curious, how old are these birds?
Ask your vet what kind of worms and what any further care is needed.

Oh, and more to the story here:
Tooki is still very weak and just walks to eat and drink. But the only thing that keeps me going is that she beats her wings VERY strongly if you hold her wrong and that she has started showing very slight growth plus weight gain. I have seen new feathers on her recently and her tail feathers are also getting longer. I really really just want her to get well.

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