deworming chickens????????????????

Ok.. For what it's worth. No one seems to know how to control or eliminate worms for sure. Try this on for size. I did and am happy with the results and knowledge I received. If you will go to google or whatever and look for a college, university or government poultry lab in your area, they can give you a number or two for a vet who specializes in poultry. He will come to "you" and tell you what is the problem with the chickens. There is no fee for this service; consider it something you can benefit from for your hard earned tax dollars. Thank goodness, we the public, can get a little in return for our taxes paid. I have over 130 chickens; 6 different breeds; so I definitely saved $$$. Again I urge yall to do a little research as I did and I assure you you will be happy with the results.
I deworm once a year. Either piperazine(can't remember the exact spelling) or safeguard. They have minced garlic to eat and garlic in their water as well as acv. Never seen a worm but I also don't see worms from my dog but I still deworm them once a year after the ground thaws.

I only dust my chickens if I see lice but I do use DE in their coop and nest boxes every time I clean. I like to use it outside too, probably once a week it definitely helps with keeping the flies down!
Are you deworming laying hens? If so, what do you do about the you have to discard the eggs for a certain time period? The wormer sold at my feed store says not for use on laying hens. The feed store told me I needed to discard the eggs from treated hens but didn't know for how long.
I ran into a man who started a conversation about treating chickens. Need to be dewormed and giving them a tablespoon of clorox in there water, to clean them out. Giving them vinger and galic. Have anyone every heard of any of these things??????????
Yeah, I have.
It is all a bunch of crap, Except for the bleach part, if you give the birds enough chlorine to kill them the worms will die too.
Diatomaceous earth, pumpkin seeds and witch doctors with rattles is also hog wash.
We don't use bleach in the water for worming chickens (you can call it deworming if you like, but I've never once heard a farmer call it that... lol and I've been farming a long time). We use the bleach to keep the chickens from passing bad bacteria/fungi/virus one to another.
Ok I think I got it now.

Coumaphos (Meldane)
Piperazine (Wazin) (only for roundworms?)
Ivermective (Ivomectin?)
Albendazole (Valbazen) (May prevent dead worm overload)
Fenbendazole (Panacur, SafeGuard)

Between the shoulder blades, spritzed on their heads, in their water, injected subcutaniously or intra-muscular

Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
Diatomaceous Earth
Pumpkin seeds
Cayenne Pepper
Fermented feed
Probiotic powder

Treat at the same time, or not at the same time as amprol and antibiotics

Throw eggs away for 4-14 days or feed them to my dogs or back to my chickens scrambled

MAN I need to go SHOPPING!

Wish me luck!



Seriously though, you guys have been very helpful... I am going to go pick up some injectible Ivermec and treat at the same time with amprol, vitamins and antibiotics because I think I have more than 1 problem. I'm ALSO going to pick up some buttermilk, and mix with scrambled eggs and pumpkin seeds (if for no other reason than it makes them happy)

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