Deworming with safeguard horse paste


Jul 15, 2019
NW Ohio
If I’ve read correctly on this forum, I’ll need .23ml of safeguard per pound for five days in a row. Is that correct?
How long do you hold off from eating the eggs? Is it safe to scramble the eggs and feed them back to the chickens?
I seen feeding higher protein, scrambled eggs and giving probiotics recommended after deworming and I thought feeding the eggs back to them made sense if there was no reason for concern.
Thank you!
Safeguard is 2.3 ml per 100 lbs. That's .23 ml per 10 lbs or .023 ml per pound. If the 10% strength. Dosage should be labeled on container.

Dewormers are not administered everyday. One dose kills all active worms. The eggs already laid will hatch 5-7 days later. Administer a second dose to kill those.
Safeguard is 2.3 ml per 100 lbs. That's .23 ml per 10 lbs or .023 ml per pound. If the 10% strength. Dosage should be labeled on container.

Dewormers are not administered everyday. One dose kills all active worms. The eggs already laid will hatch 5-7 days later. Administer a second dose to kill those.
I was getting the information on dosing consecutive days from this site.

Is it .23ml or .023ml per pound?

The paste is 10%.
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Safeguard is 2.3 ml per 100 lbs. That's .23 ml per 10 lbs or .023 ml per pound. If the 10% strength. Dosage should be labeled on container.

Dewormers are not administered everyday. One dose kills all active worms. The eggs already laid will hatch 5-7 days later. Administer a second dose to kill those.
You are correct that it's 2.3ml per 100lb for Goats:)

Chicken dosing for Fenbendazole is 10-50mg/kg.
Using 50mg/kg that equals 0.227mg per pound of weight.

So. Dose for Chickens would be 0.23mg per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days, this will treat most worms that chickens can have, except for Tapeworm.
So. Dose for Chickens would be 0.23mg per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days, this will treat most worms that chickens can have, except for Tapeworm.

If ever you are speaking to someone at the labs that make these meds, can you pass on my request ?

please make a 'bum' version of these meds that I can just put a cream on the end of a q-tip and swab the bum hole to get it into their digestive track rather than get it into their squirmy little mouths. (hanging head in exhaustion at the idea I am going to have to get them to eat something they just don't want to eat)
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If ever you are speaking to someone at the labs that make these meds, can you pass on my request ?

please make a 'bum' version of these meds that I can just put a cream on the end of a q-tip and swab the bum hole hole to get it into their digestive track rather than get it into their squirmy little mouths. (hanging head in exhaustion at the idea I am going to have to get them to eat something they just don't want to eat)
Well, I don't know if that method would be any easier🤷‍♀️🤣

If I have to dose my birds, I do it very early in the morning before they come off the roost.
I have my syringes preloaded, this way I'm not fumbling about and tripping all over myself.
A headlamp with a red light works well to see and the chickens don't get all rustled up like they do if you turn on a regular light.

@dawg53 has a good description how to do it, pretty much what I do, but you can have an ornery one in the bunch as well.

I do have some birds that sleep in the rafters and I'm not inclined to drag out a ladder and climb it to reach them, so yeah...they sometimes get missed or if I can get lucky and corner them...we end up all exhausted and giving one another the stink eye by the time I'm done. Yep. 😝
The dose is correct.

Withdrawal period is 14 days after last dose.

A withdrawal period is a throw away period. There may be residual medication in meat or eggs. So throw out the eggs or extend your throw away period if you are feeding the eggs back...
Hey I using this dewormer for gapeworm it this hoarse stuff I going to give her a pea sized paste in her mouth how many times a day and she small and not really eating barley drinking

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