Diapers and Ducks? Please help


8 Years
Mar 9, 2011
I posted earlier that I have a sick duck ... I want to bring him into the warm house and maybe that will help him... can someone give me a link to find the pattern or something... I am not trying to sell these I really want my duck to come in and I do not want him to die... please someone help me
Could you not keep him on some old towels instead of making a diaper?, that way you can check up on his poop.

Please take him to a vet if you can, sometimes the only meds you can get to sort out your ducks is from a vet.
The diaper right now may restrict his/her breathing.. If you can use old towels in a rubber maid tote that would be better or xl pet carrier.. Please get to vet asap... Vet will know what med to give..
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You won't find a patten on the web for diaper harnesses, mostly because it's some people's (like myself) way to make a living. The reason I don't sell my patterns is because of a few things that can hurt your duck-

You have to know exactly what kind of fabric to use for a duck, which is very different from the diapers you can get for a chicken. A chicken can wear the same fabric as a duck, but not the other way around. the wrong fabric and be restricting and and not allow enough heat out, thus overheating your duck.

You have to know duck anatomy and exactly the right size to use for your duck otherwise the harness will be too tight, too loose, or just plain not fit.

you need hardware not found in stores. I order all my supplies through wholesalers because the parts other than the fabric needed are not readily available at any fabric store I have encountered.

The fabric you need to work with is very expensive and difficult to work with. We get it wholesale, thus making it cheaper.

My first 20 attempts came out horrible and it takes a long time to figure it out, even with a pattern and a harness to look at. I had to develop my own and spent 6 months perfecting it.

Harnesses are not easy to make. I've been sewing for more than a decade and they are one of the most difficult things I've made. I can crank them out quickly because I've made hundreds of them, but for a newbie, it'll cost you a lot more money and time to make one your self.

I PMed you an idea I have for you!

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