

In the Brooder
May 4, 2015
I have been looking at a lot of pictures of chicken poop this past week (never something i thought i would do).
I was feeling good that my babies appeared to be having normal looking bowel movements. But today my little rir did this and it just seems too wet...my girls eat medicated chick starter and yesterday i gave them a small peice of watermelon and some parakeet grit.
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I have others that are wet like this but there is still a small part that is formed/more solid. But one only has wet poop above.
Watermelon is mostly water. It could just be that or if they're hot, they'll drink a lot more. The weather is warming up.

When you say babies, are they chicks? Have you been lowering their brooder temp as they grow?
The rule of thumb for brooder temp is, week 1, start between 95-100 degrees and lower it 5 degrees each week until they're feathered. Always keep the warmest spot in the brooder at the recommended temp and make sure there are cooler areas were the chicks can move to if when they get too hot. When with mama chicken they would warm up under her, move out to eat/drink/play, rinse and repeat.
I hadn't thought about them being too warm, they are all starting to feather but most of them are still mostly downe.
I have been moving the lamp farther away as I observe them trying to avoid the light. I really don't know how old they are, there is one that is probably almost a week younger based on her lack of feather growth but the rest are just starting to get their longer feathers on just their wings.
I don't know, I'm so new to this I'm not sure what is normal and what isn't.
i found what looked like butterscotch or caramel sauce on gate to coop--am thinking the one pullet who has had runny poop left this--no way to prove it--but that was yesterday and nada today--she's one who flies out--hence the blame. There was nothing in this liquid--whereas what she drops on ground always appears to have some feed in it. It was a larger amount too

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