Diary of 2 ducklings

Camilla Chicken

In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 19, 2013
Hi this is a diary of 2 duckings we got from TSC. It will be from my point of view and the ducklings point of view also.( of course the ducklings point of view is made up)

Day 1 hatching

Wow hatching's hard work.I had to peck out of this hard round thing, With nothing but my ROUND beak and a egg tooth! I think chickens have it the easy way with pecking there eggs with a pointed beak AND a egg tooth. when i came out i noticed that i was the smallest one and the last one to hatch out of the egg NO FAIR. I was so sleepy i had to fall a sleep right then and.... ( waffles is asleep)


(No comment)

Me (wasn't here)

Day 2- Welcome to TSC


They just put us in a box!! We cant see anything!! Help!!! They just took us out of the box and put us in a shiny container they dipped out beaks in this wet stuff... humm it is pretty good but why do i have a strange feeling to go in it and float around?

Waffles- They just put this hard stuff in my mouth! There was an older duckling in there that said that's what we eat BUT its tastes so gross. Well i guess ill get used to it.

Me ( wasn't there)

( will be cont.)
(This is fast for ward a week)

Day 9

Me- we just got into our 87' truck and we down the road to TSC to get ducklings for my brothers birthday today

Waffles- I've been getting picked on alot by the older ducklings well at least they added a new duckling just my size we are now best friends. There is only one other duckling that doesn't make fun of me. He is big about an 1/2 inch taller than i am wow that's TALL.

Maple- all of the other ducklings make fun of this little guy. Pecking at it and every thing I don't see the sport in doing that i mean why would you want to hurt your brother or sister?

Waffles- we saw a lot of ho-mans when we where here but these 3 ho-mans are the first to take real interest in me with out saying "Don't get the weak one" or" look how weak that little guy is" they pointed at me and a strange man put me into a box

Maple - these people put me in a box uh oh not again.

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