DIary of a novice, shipped egg, broody hatch

Hi :). She is doing beautifully. Sweetest natured little thing, I think she might even be quieter than my faverolles. She loves her tummy scratched and even they draw the line at that lol. She seems to have totally skipped that awkward adolescent age, just keeps looking lovely :)

Her only problem at the moment is that my crossbeak faverolle winry with the inferiority complex likes to chase her and mum and give her the odd peck. She is terrified of her so I have to segregate them in the morning so she eats before winry can chase her off. Everyone else seems to basically ignore her. Mum wants to take her to sleep with everyone else but the next lowest on the pecking order won't let them roost. Thinking closed quarters with winry in the mornings is probably a bad idea anyway so not forcing the issue just yet.

Did have a question you may be able to answer noticed today she has a black patch on one of her legs. Do their legs go black or stay gray? Wondering if it's a bit like a chicken birthmark or the start of the legs darkening up.
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Glad to hear that Pepper is doing well! Would love to see some pics of her when you get a chance

I would have to see a pic of the 'black patch' on her legs to really see what you mean. I find that my lighter coloured blues however tend to have lighter slate/grey coloured legs than the dark blues and the blacks. My Light blue hen has slate legs but with some darker spots on her legs. Here is the hen (She has grown a lot and filled out a lot more since this wast taken. She was about 6/7 months in this pic but she is now 2 years). You can kind of see the darker spots on her legs.

Here is a close up of her feet to show the darker spots.

My darker blues tend to have more consistently coloured darker grey/black legs. There leg colour is closer to that of a black. Here is an example. The legs are a little difficult to see but you get the idea. This girl was about 6 months when this was taken but she is just over a year old now.

And then the blacks have sightly darker legs still. Here is an example of a black and her dark legs. She was 6 months old at the time of the pic but is now just over a year old.

I find that their feather colour tends to dictate the darkness of their legs. The lighter blues/splashes have lighter legs that are sometimes uneven in colour whilst the dark blues and blacks have darker legs and are more consistently toned. So Pepper's legs will most likely stay lighter and it is relatively normal for her legs to have some darker spots or areas.
Hope that somewhat helps.

*Forgot to mention: Her beak should darken up and become predominantly black as she matures.
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I am SWOONING over the gorgeous Australorps in this thread. I didn't know they came in NAVY!

You've got a girl in Texas who is jealous to death of your Aussies. <3 Simply stunning.

@MrsBrooke - they also come in splash

*note this is not my pic nor are they my birds*

Oh. Trust me. I know. I want to get some blues and work on my genetics for Splashes and that gorgeous Navy.

I simply ADORE Australian Australorp conformation. That precious tail! Ugh. Love love love.

I wonder if I could smuggle some eggies from Down Undah?? :3

Young Pepper will be 14 weeks I believe on Tuesday so thought I better update her baby scrapbook :)

She seems to have an aversion to turning side on so I can get a decent shot showing her in profile view. I did manage to get one with "mum" from the side though. She is still following mum around and peeping though I did hear a noise that finally sounded more like a squark than a peep today.

Here are the spotty legs I mentioned previously. I think she might have a 'splash' on her leg.

and with mummy, she is a bit big to be acting the baby and having panic attacks when mum wanders off without her LOL I think she is going to be a big girl when fully grown, if this is only 14 weeks. Think she is going to give my faverolles a run for their money in the biggest chicken stakes.

I did hear her make a very strange noise yesterday when she couldnt find mum and was calling for her, then this morning I noticed how red her face was getting, which made me have a moment of worry about the weird call yesterday. Still looking girly do we think? MInd you there is nothing roostery about her little bun tail.

She is the funniest thing, she has to be first out every morning but because she is at the bottom of the pecking order with mum isnt allowed right in front of the door with the big girls. She doesnt let that stop her though, the second I open the door she is over or under them and first out every time :)
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Oh and meant to ask, will this be her final colour or will it change a bit and possible get more dark flecks after her first molt. I know my faverolles darkened slightly so was curious.

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