diatomaceous earth

it wont hurt anything .. i throw a fistful in my feeder maybe once a month, everyday may be a bit much, mine kinda turn their nose up at the food alittle with it in there i dont think they like it much, but still eat it ..
I started putting diatomaceous earth in my flocks food. How often am I supposed to give them diatomaceous earth? Or is it just an all year long thing ?

Honestly, it really doesn't do anything for parasites. It doesn't work when it is wet and the inside of a chicken is wet, so by feeding it you kind of negate any good it might do. It is also really bad to breathe for both you and the birds.

it wont hurt anything .. i throw a fistful in my feeder maybe once a month, everyday may be a bit much, mine kinda turn their nose up at the food alittle with it in there i dont think they like it much, but still eat it ..
Can you blame them? You are literally throwing a handful of dirt on their food...
Ooo this is one of BYC's favorite topics to disagree about. May I ask why you are putting it in their food? If it is for parasite treatment, little to no research suggests that it is helpful for internal parasites, and it is preventative, at best, for treating external parasites. Some people use DE as an anti-caking agent in their feed, but this is also debatable.

Research has shown that fermenting feed is useful for maintaining gut health, and preventing many health problems. It's all the rage in the commercial poultry industry. In addition to my mad-googling skillz, my next door neighbor is actually a researcher for a prominent university and his focus is entirely in commercial poultry feed. He's shown me several of his published articles in support of fermenting feed as well.

Okay, there's my two cents.
Ooo this is one of BYC's favorite topics to disagree about. May I ask why you are putting it in their food? If it is for parasite treatment, little to no research suggests that it is helpful for internal parasites, and it is preventative, at best, for treating external parasites. Some people use DE as an anti-caking agent in their feed, but this is also debatable.

Research has shown that fermenting feed is useful for maintaining gut health, and preventing many health problems. It's all the rage in the commercial poultry industry. In addition to my mad-googling skillz, my next door neighbor is actually a researcher for a prominent university and his focus is entirely in commercial poultry feed. He's shown me several of his published articles in support of fermenting feed as well.

Okay, there's my two cents.
So do you have these beliefs about using food grade DE (orally) in regards to chickens alone or in general? I did notice during my chicken research that most are one end of the spectrum or the other. I use it for myself & dogs since I only use drugs & chemicals if essential, such as emergencies. It has proven iteself effective for preventing and killing insects (w/exoskeleton) for 15 years in FL- fleas, roaches, ants etc... I have learned more is not better!
I am new to chickens & know birds are super sensitive in many respects compared to us. I do add a small amount to the chicken feed.

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