
That is awesome. I am putting eggs in the hatching tray in the morning so I am loooking to have a bottom full by Sunday evening. I have just got to get and acryllic door.
Believe me as soon as I get a few more bills paid I will get it. Had to buy a b'day present and two baby shower gifts this week. I have a limited budget. I am going to sell some of my chickens at an auction in two weeks so maybe i will generate enough to buy it then.
I have got to get the thing moved out of the house into the work house. jUst haven't had time yet. It is taking up to much space in the bedroom and I kind of hate to have company in there spending the nite as they might accidentally mess with it. Ha ha.
we are just getting some nice weather days to get things done. WE are cutting grass, planting the garden today. We have got off to a slow start due to a few obstacles but as I say, only two times to Praise the Lord. when you feel like and when you don't. So I am looking for Him in everything today.
Makes me think of this little boy who was 5 yrs. old at the time. We were having a revival meeting aat our Church and he ask the Pastor (my DH) if he could preach. At the beginning of the service he called him up and gave him the mircophone and he Said " God is everywhere, even in the Gas stations.". I thought how profound.
that was awesome! i just keep praising no matter what. keep looking, you'll keep finding!
I've had 3 hatches so far in my Dickey. This past weekend was my largest yet. I hatched out about 150 chicks. This weekend I've got to move more to the hatcher, but only about 30 this time--thank goodness. Of course, these are more special, because they are my own eggs- including some of my own bantam Cochins from two trios that I bought a couple of months ago. I am so excited about these.

C'mon, Dickey, don't fail me now! Hey, MP, are these your Sebbies that you're moving to the hatching tray?

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Great Siz
Paula how in the world did you get 150 to hatch. Did they all fit in the bottom tray or orrorr did you get that hatcher? my goodness , you have to have large brooder for that many. Show us some pictures.
Go, Siz!!! Isn't it easy in this Dickey?

Julie, I did get the hatcher. It was crazy, this hatch. I've never hatched so many chicks. So exciting, though. I have had them in the house in 3 brooders since they hatched this weekend, but today I moved them to the patio. Couldn't stand the smell one more day. I'll try to get pics tomorrow when I get them all sorted out. Hubby built me nice new chick cages, so they'll be moving out to the coop tomorrow.


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