did all the recent eggs come from one hen?


10 Years
Dec 4, 2009
So far I have had 3 eggs this week, I have 3 bantom OEG hens just at laying age. I know one for sure layed an egg as she got out then laid. Will all the eggs from all three be the same size? the 3 eggs were the same size and color. Just wondering if all my ladies are laying or just the one how can I tell?
Color usually varies from chicken to chicken just a little and size can. I would pet them and see which one does its "squat".
From what I can tell, one hen will usually lay about one egg per day...so if you got each of the 3 eggs on a different day, I'd say chances are they are all from the same hen. If you got them all 3 in one day though it would have to be all 3 of them laying...I think
Maybe someone more experienced will chime in.

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