Did anyone else find a creative streak when you started raising chickens?


12 Years
Jun 5, 2011
North Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop
Since we started raising chickens last year, I have found more solutions for chicken needs than I would have thought possible.

For example, when we made the coop, we started with the 8x12 dog kennel that was already in our back yard. The two dogs no longer used it, because we built them a yard around it. (The dogs being constantly around the coop at night also deters predators!) Also, the coop was already shaded on all sides by trees. There is a natural brushy wind-break to the west.

Two of our nest boxes are extra large litter boxes with lids. I took the clear plastic swinging doors off of them and presto! One of the other nesting boxes used to be a rabbit hutch. I took out the wire floor, floor and door of the original rabbit nest box and use the droping pan as the floor of the nest box. I leave the ramp door open and I have two bowls of Oyster Shell mounted inside.

When we added our newest roosting bar, the only thing we could find in the yard that was long enough to mount far enough from the other bars was a pvc pipe. It was too slick for the birds to be able to hold on very well, so I gathered twigs from around the yard and used duct tape to keep them firmly in place on the PVC. Now when the hens roost on it, they have textured surface to hold on to!

These are just a few of the examples of things I've done with my birds. I would like to encourage others to share their creative, wacky and strange solutions for bird needs that they have come across while raising and caring for their feathered friends.

Have fun!!! I look forward to learning and sharing more!
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Yep we converted an old wooden trunk (removed front panel but left bottom top and sides intact) into a nest box and have built a roost out of an older gate LOL
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Raising chickens allows you to be creative, because the chickens are happy with pretty much anything that fits the bill.


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