Did anyone else set eggs on or near 10/16/09?

I set my 16 (8 Partridge Penedesenca and 8 Barred Bantam Cochin-from GyspyChic) on the 16th. I removed two of the cochins two days ago and will candle the 14 tonight. I only have 2 Barred Bantam Cochin hens and a barred frizzle roo, so I'm looking forward to these babies a lot
The Pene's are testers from my young girls...so exciting! Temp 99.7 (this second~LOL) and humidity 59%.
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I tried to candle my eggs last night and I couldn't even see the yolks. My RIR eggs are pretty dark brown and I was just using a flashlight. Do I need to use something a little brighter?
I bought the little egg candler from the GQF website. For it's cheap price, it seems to work really well. The Penedesenca eggs from my youngsters look great, maybe 1 non-viable. My Barred Bantam Cochin eggs don't look good....shipping is so hard on eggs
I set 12 eggs that were given to me on the 14th, I candled on day 4 or 5 and 11 of them were developing enough I could see veins. I left the other one in just because this is only my 2nd attempt at hatching and was hoping maybe I was to early at the candling. So hopefully my chickies that are susposed to hatch tomorrow or Saturday will have some little buddies on the 4th of Nov. If not when I went to the pet store I noticed they had true americanas, I have blue and green eggs in the incubator and that is what I am hoping for. My lovely husband said I could go buy 10 anericanas, but the sales guy said that they were a few weeks old and would probably pick on my newbies (if they actually hatch) Oh well I guess its a waiting game now.
Candled this morning. Results are mixed since the handling during shipment was horrid:
Of the EE/mixes we are down by 2 to make the total 9, the one with a detached air cell didn't develop and a second one didn't develop. The one I wax patched over the cracks only shows weak veining but I'm going to wait and see on that one before tossing.
The Polish/mixes... well I seem to have a cool spot where I set them
out of the 8 set, 4 show blood rings and one has no development leaving me with 3. I moved the rest of them to a better spot but still....

The silkies, including the one with a detached air cell are fine, still have all 3.

So I have a total of 15 at the moment..... 2 more weeks, lets hope they make it and give me better than 50% for shipped eggs. So far I'm at 68%
I candled again last night and I could make out chicken embryos on 3 out of the 9 eggs. I couldn't see veins because the eggs are quite dark. The embryos weren't even red because it was more like the shadow of the embryo was cast on the egg shell. Six were set the first day and 3 more were set the second day. The 3 that I found embryos in were all set the first day. I will candle the later eggs tonight and see if I can make anything out on those.
Well I guess I have candling down pretty well... I still couldn't see anything in 3 of the first 6 eggs I put in the bator so I cracked those open and there was nothing at all.... No blood spot or anything. I think they may have been unfertilized. I couldn't see a ring or anything on the yolks for those three. Looks like my roo needs to get a little more busy or something

The other 3 seem to still be growing well so thats a good sign. I can see the veins and everything now!

I had a scare earlier today when the temp was at 107 degrees. It was onlythere briefly and I'm not even sure it was an accurate reading. I have an accurite thermometer in addition to 2 normal thermometers. I saw that high reading on the accurite so I removed the lid on the incubator. I never looked at the other thermometers in my panic so I can't be sure.

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