Did anyone else set eggs on or near 10/16/09?

OH, how exciting! YAY! Come on chickieeees !

Total of 4 chicks so far. 1 last night, 2 this morning and 1 while I was at work. 1 looks pipped, but nothing further. Out of 20 eggs not great, but much much better than nothing. I wonder how long I should leave the rest of the eggs in before I give up on them...today is day 19. Nothing out of the chickens yet, but since the quail were a day late....won't be surprised if the chicks are too.

Also, had an egg blow it's top...grooossss. It is in an egg carton, hoping it doesn't kill the rest of the eggs. I took out the egg that still had most of the grossness contained, but there is some yolk sitting in the bottom of the egg carton. I don't want to open the bator long enough to try to cut the bad part of the container out. Total nastiness....my nose is still mad at me.
I heard one pecking at it's shell a few minutes ago. Got home after being gone since 11 this morning and the bator was at 105, had to crack it open a little to reduce the heat and I could hear the pecking!!
Congratulations on your new fluffies!

I have 2 new baby chickens and 3 more have pipped. I am surprised they are so early, I wasn't expecting any until Saturday! I will try to get pics as soon as I can.

Also, 1 more quail hatched late last night for a total of 5 out of 21 eggs. I left them in, but am thinking the window is closing for them.
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We had a terrible night

I went to bed at 12:30 with the bator humming along nicely and the eggs moving around a bit. Hubby got up this morning around 6 and proceeded to wake me up in a panic.

The entire bator was OFF, the fan, the light, not even the light we set up for the brooder was on. The bator was cold. The power strip had fried.
I hunted down another strip and got everything warm again an her a very faint cheep from the egg that had started piping last night. Determined to save what I could I helped. Yes I helped! all but one lone chick were dead and this last one I'm working on slowly. I'm not giving up without a fight but I don't think he'll make it. I'm going to do everything I can but well.....

THIS SUCKS! I had 6 babies last night! 6 live little chicks.

Well the last little guy is just gorgeous, he's an ee/silkie mix, looks like a black or blue color (he's still wet), black beak, black skin, 9.5 toes, feisty BUT...... his got an open spot at the umbilicus that still hasn't closed yet. Have him wrapped in a damp towel resting at the moment. Have a blue feather duster waiting for him should he make it.

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