Did I get it all wrong?

Oh my goodness. I wonder if I'm going to be lucky enough to have Hariett keep him in check. Iv seen no aggression from him yet towards me or her. Just submissive and gallops off when she bites him 😂
You know, we had two sussex. One recently drowned in our pool and I have been so heartbroken. Now this.. Can 2021 fast forward rather.. Or give us a give or take option 😂
Only time will tell, but honestly one young cockerel is probably going to be a lot for her.

All chickens have hackles and saddles, but on hens both are rounded rather than the pointed ones on roosters
Yes that’s a great good point. I should have said those are MALE hackle feathers for sure.
Right... how could I forget?

Though, very well bred, yet mature, Phoenix hens could develop pointy saddle feathers.
This is true in a way. They are pointy but are completely different than the rooster’s long flowing ones. Phoenix Males are known for their long tails, which isn’t something the hens get. This makes them easy to distinguish from each other.

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