Did I get the breeds I was told I got? *pics added

Maybe a partridge cochin? Very cute!!!! Second chick is def. an EE. Hatchery Americaunas are all EEs. I just bought two that were soo fluffy and cute I couldn't resist. Not to mention I Love finding their green-blue eggs. Most my EEs are affectionate as well; I think I have one or two that I didn't get to spend much time with as they grew and they come running with the rest of the flock in the a.m. but don't really want to cuddle like my others will. Beautiful group of chicks you have, enjoy them!!
I would say the first bunch is all EE. EE are mutts so any mix or looking chicken is almost possible as long as one parent was an Ameraucana or Araucana.

I don't think those black ones are BA they might be part but not purebreds. My BA were black as chicks with white on there wing tips. Those almost look like they were a light grey as chicks and I don't see any white on the tip of there last few wing feathers.

Those colored chicks all look like roos to me.

Cute chicks!
I've heard this too, & it totally makes sense that they'd do that to recoup potential losses on the males, but then I'm wondering because aren't they dyed in the shell before hatching? That just occurred to me...Hmmm. IDK Anybody know the deal on that?

You have a bunch of cute lil EE's though! yay- love those cheekers!!!
I blew up the pic and looked at the legs. They appear to be a little different. Most have the orange toes and mostly orange legs but the one has very little orange on his legs. I need to get better pics of them. They are kinda odd looking. lol.
And thanks everyone!

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