Did I give my chickens too much spinach?


Aug 20, 2021
Seattle, WA
My brother had a 16oz container of a mix of baby spinach and salad leaves that he hasn't touched for a week. Most of it was still good so I wanted to give it to my chickens before it went bad. Over the span of three days I gave them half the container. I realized now that too much spinach can cause chickens to lay soft shell eggs. I have 6 chickens and 2 roosters. One of my chickens love all greens though and I think she ate the most. She did lay an egg today that seemed fine. I read that apple cider vinegar can help with absorption so I just mixed some in with their feed and the one who loves spinach also loves wet feed so I see her eating a lot of it right now. I won't be giving them any more spinach this week. Did I give them too much spinach? Will they be okay?
One-of events like this are not a big deal. It would be a concern if you were continually feeding your chickens a lot of spinach on a daily basis but that's not the case here..

To find out, you are going to need some 1lb and 5lb dumbbells.
How many repetitions can they do with the 1lb weight?

Can they even lift the 5lb? If so, that was waaay too much Spinach.
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