Did I mess up? Opened incubator while some may have pipped

Celeste Cannon

5 Years
Jan 15, 2018
Los Angeles, California
I am a little worried I dried out my quail eggs this morning. I had opened the incubator to add some more water, but a couple hours later I had noticed that some had pipped. They definitely could have been pipped before, as I had not looked. What should I do? Should I just leave them to do their thing or should I start assisting them? I haven’t seen any movement or heard any noises which makes me think I killed them.

They’re also in a cardboard cut out I made, I have the cardboard setting rack, but I worried that the eggs would roll around too much and bump into each other on that. Was that a bad decision? I’ll attach pictures. The one with the holes is what they’re currently in.

Lastly, from which part of the egg should they be hatching? Two of the eggs look like they are pipping from the bottom side and the other one looks like it could be in the middle of the egg.

Some background:
I ordered 18 quail eggs online from eBay, they shipped to me in California from Utah (4 day shipping though). The seller had already stated that their hatch rates are around 50% for shipped eggs. I let them sit overnight for 24 hours before placing them in the incubator and used the right humidity and temperature. It was a little bit of a rocky incubation though. My Postal Service tends to be very rough, I switch some eggs to a different incubator partway through, and I’ve been listening to some possibly untrustworthy temp/humidity readers.

What do you think my chances are??? I want babies so so bad I would hate myself if I messed this up :hit


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