Did I pick the right chicks?

Like you I am new to keeping chickens. Mine came with my house because the sellers couldn't take them. I live in Colo where it can be cold and snowy. My hens are Rocks. They have done fine through the past 2 winters. That breed is known to be docile, but since I have nothing to compare them to I can't speak to that. When I'm bringing them treats the bossiest one will peck at my hands, but she's doing that out of greediness and not aggression. I let them free range in my yard for a few hours in the morning and they forage the whole time they're out, but I can't tell how effective they are. There are mice in the coop and everyone tells me chickens will kill mice, but not my pacifist chickens. I have a 6-foot fence to deter predators. After an introductory period, my own dogs and cats are fine with the chickens being loose in the yard. During the introductory period there were some chickens vs. mammals battles which the chickens won every time thanks to their secret weapon -- flapping wings.
Yes, I'm guessing CO has some of the same winter temps as you move out of the valleys- I don't know how dry it is there but we have had quite a moisture influx and it's expected to continue. I have similar plans as you, to let them free-range every day, for a while, when we have the awesome warm weather we have for about 5 months per year. The rest of the time, I guess they stay in the coop and their run with heaters and a lot of distraction toys. I love your pacifist chickens!! I'm not sure my dogs wouldn't try to sneak-attack a chicken so I'm going to keep them separated. A rooster could probably terrorize my canines though... :oops:
The only predator protection they would have for those few hours every day would be their wariness and a rooster. I'm just going to be extraordinarily careful about when they are out to minimize any potential predation and they will never be running around unless I'm home and around. I keep debating about guineas and I get the haters and the...well, I haven't found any true lovers but I have heard from many people who liked them and considered them invaluable in insect control. I can't stop laughing at what a gaggle of ladies I saw on YouTube, and yes, they are loud. More the better to scare the predators but I don't want any bird that might terrorize my chickens either. Choices, choices!:confused:
:confused: Now the babies have arrived and I’ve noticed a distinct tendency for the other chicks to pick at the Naked Necks- because they are the smallest and most fragile of the group, I put them in a separate brooder and have left a few other chicks, rotating. Unfortunately, they do seem to be everyone’s favorite target, no matter how many different ones I’ve tried. This makes me sad because they have the greatest personalities and are very loving. So, I could decide to keep them totally separated from everyone else but what happens when I have to put them all together again in a large brooder or their coop? Will they finally be okay with a little size gain or am I dooming them to get picked at even more because they’re not growing up with the others? My first real worry out of what I’m sure will be many!
:confused: Now the babies have arrived and I’ve noticed a distinct tendency for the other chicks to pick at the Naked Necks- because they are the smallest and most fragile of the group, I put them in a separate brooder and have left a few other chicks, rotating. Unfortunately, they do seem to be everyone’s favorite target, no matter how many different ones I’ve tried. This makes me sad because they have the greatest personalities and are very loving. So, I could decide to keep them totally separated from everyone else but what happens when I have to put them all together again in a large brooder or their coop? Will they finally be okay with a little size gain or am I dooming them to get picked at even more because they’re not growing up with the others? My first real worry out of what I’m sure will be many!
Don’t separate them not can cause a lot of problems. Tape up a piece of hardware cloth in your brooder so that they are still together and can see each other. They should get used to the differences in appearances after a short while.
My brooders are 2 baby pools- I was planning on putting the big one together after the first week when their heat needs are no longer so significant (they will have to go out in a room temp environment when I move them, right now they’re in the “sauna”). Would any major damage be done by this first week or do I have to find a way to put them out in a cooler room?
Right now they are in two vinyl baby pools, they each have a 36” diameter. It seems to hold each group comfortably with no fighting and the ability to run around. I knew this wouldn’t last for long but they did seem ideal for the purpose and they have been. I will have to move them to a larger oval when I can get one set up.

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